chapter 1:Their pretty little room

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A cute little sparrow was whole heartedly making her home in the brown ventilator in that little room with incredible dedication! It was the time, when winter was portraying itself in the canvas of the city manifesting her vivid looks.

"The day resembles my mind today", Titir said after a long sigh observing the gloomy day of winter through the window.

"Can you imagine rain in a winter noon in Dhaka?? It only happens when bad luck is your best friend"- she huffed seating on her bed.

"Hmm"-without looking at her Preeya replied distractedly and continued to chat with who knows who!

"Don't claim to be my best friend, next time" Titir threatened glaring at her soon to be former best friend.

But obviously the words didn't affect Preeya at all. She just grinned at her silliness and thus earned herself playful beating from offended Titir!

If you are wondering- The aforementioned girls were roommates at a ladies hostel in the capital. Coming from middle class families, it was pretty common for people to reside in a hostel. There were different people from different part of the country and so were their professions. Some were students, some were corporates, some were job seekers. But, destiny made them bound to live together somehow.

Happily?? Not always, but sometimes for sure.

January used to come here with the bone shivering cold. The year old trees around the hostel were already bare after defoliating the old leaves. The play ground in front of the building seemed to be barren and lifeless. An aged women wearing miserably torn cloth was staring at the passersby with no vision in her eyes. The dog lying beside her under the shadows was barking in a foreign tone to make the whole scenerio more dramatic!

It was 17th of January and our Titir's birthday. But much to her dismay nobody from the hostel had been kind enough to wish her a happy birthday. Not even Nipa di.

The Nipa di who she used to share all her beautiful Sarees with! Only her little brother Tonmoy at Zero hour called and wished her with the new song he had recently learned to sing with his blue guitar (this guitar is historic!)
and her mother who was a school teacher wished her a long life and obviously did not forget to advise her to keep their reputation up like always. She had turned 21 only. But, she sometimes felt like she had witnessed all the cruelty, hatreds of the world already.

So, she lied on her bed to sleep holding  "Pride and Prejudice" in her hand for escaping from the reality. What else could she do? What could heal her soft mind's ache??

 What else could she do? What could heal her soft mind's ache??

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The sun was setting. Birds were in their way back to their home. It seemed that the darkness was trying to consume the whole planet as daylight was going to say BYE for that day. Sodium from the lamp posts were decorating the city with its mystery making light.

"Booooooooom" a terrific sound was heard out of the blue.

"Probably some terrorists have attacked our hostel"- She shuddered at the thought.

"Priyaaaaaaaa, Nipa di, Sneha, Momi apuuuuu"she started calling by this names with all the energies she could gather with her terrified voice! She was too terrified to even open her eyes up.

After opening those beautiful brown eyes of her what she saw was what you can already guess, wise readers! Yes! She saw a large chocolate cake from her all time favourite Tasty treat with candles shoved in front of her.

Her eyes went big as saucers. When she looked around, she saw balloons everywhere, some were even hanging from the ceiling and the walls of the room had turned into a greetings wall where everyone had decorated their hand made wish cards for her.

Being baffled, she could only hear some people were trying hard to sing off key "happy birthday" while some were pretending to play drums with spoon and bowl!

"Oh, so they were planning a surprise" she thought to herself quite happily.

"Thank you soooo much guys"- she said to all while licking the chocolate frosting from the cake. Everyone laughed at her unexpected childishness and the silence of the night fled away for moments!

Gradually you will know everything and everyone they lived with and roamed around.

Don't forget to imagine Dhaka city as this story had been portrayed in the canvas of Bangladesh.

Author's note: Hey my readers- I am Eipshita (I know its hard to pronunciate). Thank you so very much for giving this book a try. This book is like the "first child" to me and I have really struggled  to embody my imagination into writing.

I know that you have already understood English is not my first language. My writing might be weak, but my effort is not.

Before turning the page, enjoy the trailer first.

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