chapter 3:The Terrific Meeting

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Well, this girls seemed to take this monthly meeting like their period, I guess. Regardless you like it or not, it will happen every month. Naturally.
According to this established norm, they all gathered in Lamia's room when the moon was possessing the sky. 

Lamia Zaman was the most senior resident of this hostel. She had been living here for six freaking years! She used to share her room with two others. There was a rumour that she was the "unannounced " boss of this place next to the hostel owner, Maya khan, whose name itself could make the girls' heart stop to beat, let alone her presence!!

It was the beginning of February. Winter did not leave them till then. Lamia was seen to make some space by removing her desk and chair in the store room and helped the girls to lay a carpet on the floor, now where some girls were sitting on and others took their seats occupying two other beds of Lamia's roommates. She started speaking while keeping a bright smile on her face. But, the girls felt it to be the "silence before the storm".

She introduced a beautiful teenager girl to be her new room mate. The new girl seemed to be quite intellectual. Her eyes were reflecting her wit somehow.

"Welcome to the paradise"- All the good girls welcomed her warmly.
But she felt embarrassed with all the greetings since she was not expecting such warm and loud greetings from those people most of whom she never even spared a glance with !! Probably The attention made her a bit uncomfortable as well.

"So, now I wanna discuss about some bitter things"- Lamia said with her usual confidence in an authoritative tone rubbing her own hands.
" We know right"- someone hummed carefully.
"We have got to know that some of us has some serious issues with using washroom. Probably she is not well trained. Unfortunate!!" She told as if she had been feeling empathetic!

"But there is something called" civic sense". So if you really forget, I want you to remember about using flash". She pretended to be an arrogant professor.
"owaaaaak"- someone was about to gag.

Lamia made a bun to maintain her unruly hair and continued saying-" last time I checked someone has forgot to lock the main door even knowing how much unsafe it is for the rest. Preeya nodded so hard as she knew very well that she herself was the culprit!

Momi raised her hand to get the attention as she wanted to talk as always!
"I think, one should not use another's spoon, bowl. "Maintaining hygiene is really really important" she rolled her eyes and showed a rude gesture. 

Rafi, who was popular as Lamia's 'right hand cum roommate, made a puppy face which cause the girls to understand who was momi alleging about.

" You never know what people do with their utensils"- Momi finished the line in sarcastic voice.

She said this line in such a way that the girls started laughing. But this made another UNWANTED trouble. Rafi could not keep her puppy face up anymore and she reacted!

"You are so mean, girls. Soo mean-" trying hard to prevent her teardrops, she left the room and took shelter to who knows where!

Meanwhile Titir brought "Tea and cookies " for all of them. Well, it was also their tradition to serve you food while you were getting free lessons."Efforts to turn it into a Sweet Torture"None of the girls forgot to have their shares of the snacks.

"Lamia Apu, can you please tell everyone to allow us to recieve  phone calls at night. Sometimes it is inevitable" after the "tea session" Sneha informed Lamia looking down to floor.

She used "everyone" instead of "Momi". But everyone got her. Her purpose was to convince Momi to allow her to talk to her boyfriends at late night as it was really an important issue for her!

" I deny. I can't allow anyone to talk the whole night and create weird sounds everyday. But, if it is really so urgent-I will allow you to go out of the room and you can talk 72 hours at a stretch sitting on the stairs if you want. I won't mind then. Promise" Momi gave her opinion straight!

If you don't know yet, there was another room, the biggest room of the hostel infact-where five girls  used to reside.
"I have a complain"-Farin said with last piece of biscuit she had in her mouth.
" Enlighten us"- girls replied jointly.
"What is it like to be with a beautiful girl whose only job in the planet is farting"- she said as if she had been telling a story to the kids.
The new girl's sudeen laughter affected the rests.
" Its so natural if your gastric problem is so severe " Shama replied in a cold tone.
" That's true. We have never heard of "SECLO". Farin replied sarcastically.

Not understanding the light mood, Nipa suggested her sympathetically to sleep and poop routine wise. She was a nurse for a reason!

Everybody could not help but bursts out in laughter.
"Order, order"-" Sithi, tomorrow is your turn to serve the meal. I hope all the girls not to be biased while serving" Lamia stood up in a way to announce the "End of the meeting "
Everyone literally stared at everyone.
Such an allegation! Everyone felt a deep "sigh"-who knows whose!!

Author's voice: Please don't be silent readers. Please let me know whether you like it or not. Help me to to do better 😍
Do you guys want to have someone's POV?
Actually, I am planning on this😀 It will be about parcel from a secret lover, I guess?
Plus Don't forget to add my book to your library and reading list.

Before turning the page, meet our Lamia zaman:

Before turning the page, meet our Lamia zaman:

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