chapter 16:Fever after Romance

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As promised it is a dedicated chapter and it is happily dedicated to:@thebolderlady

Preeya's POV:
"Papa,papa-please let me shower in the rain,papa.pleasee"-7years old me requested my father impatiently when I saw the children of my age were playing in the raindrops!
-" No"he answered me with one rude word.

-Ma,please ask papa to allow me.I will be there for only 5 minutes. Promise"-I started requesting my mom as I understood papa was not gonna allow me.

I started whining ,which caused my papa to burst out in anger as he was so busy with smoking cigarette!
He came infront of me and slapped hard the pale cheek of that 7 years old and caused it to turn into Pink easily and left the place leaving some slang towards my mom!!So,she too spared me an angry look as if It was me who had done the wrong just now!

I ran to my cozy room to hide my crying self from my mom,from the rest of the world.You can disagree,but self respect was already there in that poor kid!My heart was aching more than my cheek.

I was sobing there sitting on the floor with my back presssing against the bed but still then my mind was outside!Ultimately I stood on my bed and kept my eyes on the window glass trying to see what the kids were doing-I could hear the sound of merriment of their little heart.They were playing with the mud,they were dancing like mads.I started imagining that I was there with them inhaling the freshness,exhaling the sorrow,mixing my soul with the wet soil..Ahhhhh!!

"Papa,let me go,let me go"-I was chanting in my sleep.
" Papaaaa"-Probably I screamed!!
"What happened Preeya?Got a bad dream?hu??"-Nipa di asked me running towards me.

" ah,I am ok"-I could barely say as I was feeling feverish!

"Oh god!!You are burning!-touching my forehead Nipa di told me.She looked really concerned.

I could not feel anything even though I was trying hard.
"Go sleep sis.I am fine"-gathering all the strength I told her plastering the best smile on my face that I could afford that time.

-" It's already morning,dear.I was getting ready to go to hospital"-keeping a small piece of wet cloth on my forehead she informed.

Then,I started recollecting that what happened in the previous day.Me and Titir were watching Romantic movies together with a hell lot of chips,soft drinks and "baked pasta and fried chicken"-which we have ordered online earlier.Titir got a sudden call from her mom as soon as the sun started to shine.After finishing the call she told me nervously her grandmother was really ill and wanted to see Titir badly.Titir started crying in a way that I felt empathetic and instead of consoling her, the dumbass me started crying too!!

Later on,I called Anas to manage a ticket immediately and accordingly he did.We went to the bus stand along with Titir.
-" Don't worry.everything is gonna be okay soon"-hugging her tightly I said her trying to afford her courage.

-"Pray for my grani.I love her a lot"she started sobbing in the bus.
"Baby,please don't cry.You are my strong lady,right?Call me when you reach there safely,okay?"-I said in a tone as if I had been dealing with a kid who did not have developed her understanding yet.

It was late afternoon.The sky was gloomy.The gentle wind was blowing around us.I was somehow feeling like going back to my home.The road seemed to be "my" country road!I was broken inside and probably understanding that Anas held my hand and kissed my knuckles softly.

Feeling loved,I kept my head on his chest in the open road not giving damn to the PeOpLe. Probably to add more romantic vibe to it-The rain came as a romantic song!!

Who would miss the chance to get drenched in the rain with the most beloved one?At Least not me!I dragged Anas in the middle of the highway as if that was the best place to play in the rain!

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Who would miss the chance to get drenched in the rain with the most beloved one?
At Least not me!I dragged Anas in the middle of the highway as if that was the best place to play in the rain!

" Preeya,don't do that.You have got drenched already baby.Go there"-Anas tried to refrain me indicating a shade!
I left his hand and continued my shower under the BIG,OPEN sky.Ah,peace!!!

"See you have got a runmy nose,already" getting me on a hooded rickshaw"-Anas told me indicating me and hugged my wet shoulder.

"It's worth my pleasure,baby"-wiping my nose I replied him giggling.

I wore a white top today somehow!As I got drenched,my frame became transparent -I felt.So whenever I saw Anas was trying to keep his eyes on my drenched dress I playfully rebuked him saying " My eyes are up here".

Being ashamed he said"sorry"and started fixing his hairstyle!

But afterwards when I took my meal of the night,I felt nauseous and got a horrible headache.Without having dinner I went on to sleep.I did not remember the next!

"Preeya,get one slice of bread, have to take some medicine"
-"please no sis.I don't feel like eating something "-I told in my weak voice.
-" No excuse.Let me feed you"saying this she feed me bread and a glass of milk and ended up giving me some medicine from her box.

After an hour,I started feeling good,so I told Nipa di to go to hospital as she was already late.

"Titir has gone home.Preeya is so ill.Please look at her if she needs anything till I come.please"-Nipa di told Sneha getting out of my room after turning off the light.

After some moments I called Anas but got his phone switched off.It was already noon." It is Titir's turn to serve the meal.She is not there.Someone else will do that"-I thought lying on the bed.

Nobody knocked on my door.Later I understood everyone had taken their meal theirselves.But,the light of my room was off.Probably that's why nobody came to give me my meal thinking it will hamper my sleep!!

Did not know whether for starvation in the noon,I gradually felt strengthless and I felt the temperature was increasing so rapidly that I felt I was burning!! The scenarios from my far childhood was floating in front of my eyes.Again!I called Sneha,Momi apu-with all strength.Probably they could not hear me.I was dying in need of an affectionate hand on my forehead."Maaaaaaaaaa"-calling my mom,I got fainted!

Nipa's POV:
As soon as I entered in Preeya's room in the afternoon, I saw her passed out.I instantly splashed some fresh water on her face.but she did not open her eyes.
"Sneha,Sneha" please come here"-I asked twice.
Reluctantly she came near me having earphone in her ears!

"She is not responding.Had she got her meal?"-I aksed being so worried.
" probably Nope.I did not see her in the kitchen."-Sneha replied being disturbed.
"I had requested you before going to office to look after her.She was ill"-this time I shouted.

-" I did not understand it was serious"-She replied in a cold tone which make me scream in the next.

-"Are you kidding, Sneha?"-I lost my control over my nerves.

-"It is not a fish market?why are you quarelling like slum dealers?"-Momi told us keeping her bag sideaway.She just came from outside and did not know literally anything.But see,she did not miss the chance to give us a lecture.

Tolerating the insult,I started calling Preeya shaking her hand and tried to get a spoon between her teeth.

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