Day Eight

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They called Bobby and me into the beach hut first thing in the morning. Bobby had cuddled up next to me with his arm across my shoulder. I rested my head on his shoulder.

"We're ready, let's do this." The producers smiled at us.

"So new boys have entered the Villa. What do you both think of Henrik?"

"He's a good lad. Has a lot of great vibes. I honestly think he's good for the villa."

"Yeah, I agree with that. He's like a hype machine! I'll reckon it'll be good for us, having someone like that around."

The producer looked at his notes. "What do you think of Lucas." I bit my lip and sighed.

"Lucas is a nice guy. I like him. He's a good sort." Good, not too obvious that I'm happy Lucas is staying.

"Yeah, a few people were unsure when he came in. I think he's uh.. pretty chill." The producer's eyebrow rose.

"Moving onto the girls. Krystal, who do you think caused the most drama?"

"I love her to death, but my girl Lottie does not know when to call it quits. She beat the horse to death with Rocco."

"Yeah, I get that she can be a little... I don't know... Is 'sharp; the right word? But she's completely different if you're on her good side."

"Oh yeah! I completely agree. She's so sweet and kind when she likes you. Get on her bad side and watch out!"

The producer smiled at the next question. "It's been a little over a week since you both arrived. How are you feeling about your relationship?"

"You know, we have our bumps in the road, like any normal couple. But I'm excited to see where we end up!"

"Yeah! 100%! I really lucked out ending up with Krystal." Bobby blew out a big breath. "I didn't realize these questions would be so intense!" The producer smirked at the last question.

"Is there someone else in the Villa you'd rather be with?" I'm suddenly aware of Bobby next to me. His hand is getting warm and I look over at him. He is sweet, charming, funny, handsome... he's mine.

"Have you seen this guy?! I like him the most... for now." I gave him a cheeky wink and pinched my cheek.

"Well don't leave me hanging here. You feel the same... right?" He kissed the top of my head.

"Have you met yourself? You're bloody Miss America, the smartest person I know and a solid 10!" That was the end of the questions.

I met up with the girls in the room and decided not to be part of the drama. I wanted to be able to relax and enjoy my day. Two guys were leaving tonight and I wanted to spend more time with them. Bobby said he had a day filled with baking. I requested vanilla with raspberry with the turquoise frosting. They had become my all time favorite.

I thought I'd start my day with a little relaxing session on the roof before I went around to deal with the madness of the villa. As I walked out I was met with Lucas. I was taken back by his handsome face, his hair, though gelled up, was actually whipping through the breeze.

"Hey stranger," I said walking up to his side. "All alone?" He smiled at me, that movie star smile but then he rubbed the back of his neck, his arms flexing slightly. I tried to contain my drool.

"I didn't realize how intense it would be in here. Figured I'd come up here to get some air." I nodded my head as I leaned down on the railing. I always needed air in this place.

"It's beautiful, isn't it? I just love the Spanish landscape." I smiled and looked over the rolling hills.

"Have you been to Spain before?" He nodded his head.

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