Day Eleven

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Bobby had been tossing and turning all night. He hated not having Krystal in bed with him. Chelsea's revelation about Bobby and Priya put the biggest wedge between him and Krystal. That kiss was ages ago! He remembered it... him in the pool and Priya kissing him to see if he would fancy her... because she fancied him. Had she been manipulating Bobby in order to break him and Krystal up? But she was always their biggest cheerleader! Why would she do that? Bobby couldn't sleep anymore. He got up and started making breakfast. He took a peek out at the daybeds. She must have gotten up and gone to the gym. He looked out of the door and no one was there either. Had she gone to the producers to ask to leave?! No... no she wouldn't do that... would she?

Everyone but Krystal had come down for breakfast. The room felt icy. Noah didn't look at Bobby, Hope or Priya. Lottie refused to look at anyone and Chelsea was just a bubble of energy.

"Bobby, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to cause drama. I just... I can't keep my mouth shut!"

"It's okay, she would have found out somehow..."

"She's on the roof, by the way. I went out to see her... She almost threw her phone at me... She's really upset still." Great! Just great!

After breakfast was done everyone went their separate ways. Marisol lingered back to ask him to help with Hope and Noah, Priya and Lottie, and Chelsea with Lottie & Priya. Bobby couldn't believe she had been asking him that. He guessed more things blew up while he was upstairs trying to get his girl back. He was having his own problems. Everyone else could fend for themselves. But, Bobby's personality wouldn't let him do such a thing. He wanted the house to be at peace.

"I can't do this without Krystal. She's the psychologist. And I don't think that it would be smart for me to be alone with Priya." Marisol seemed to have forgotten about his problem.

"I'm sorry Bobby... but we know that this much drama in the house isn't healthy. Why don't you try to talk to Krystal?"

"Don't you think I have!? She's not speaking to me and I'm giving her the space she wants." Marisol glared up at him. "Look, I want to help, but I have my own troubles. Can you please see about fixing this without me?" Marisol huffed in his face and tried to go and resolve everything herself. Bobby took in a deep breath. He needed to see her. Maybe this was enough time.

He made his way up to the roof. She was alone, which was good and bad. She looked like she was praying or meditating. Her headphones were in her ears and he stood there, waiting to see if she would open her eyes. After about 10 minutes, her eyes opened and she shrieked.

"Don't do that to me!" She said holding her chest. She was in her sweats and tee shirt. She looked so much more beautiful that way. She put something in her pocket, unnoticed by Bobby.

"Sorry... I... wanted to see you." She looked away at the hills. Everyone was outside talking or splashing in the pool. Bobby looked down and saw Noah was looking up at her. He tried to steady his breathing.

"Bobby, I am pissed. Angry. A million emotions happening at the same time. I just can't deal with you. Can you understand that?" In Krystal's code, she didn't want to talk to him.

"Look, I know you're mad and we do need to discuss this. But, could we... could we pause the argument?" Her eyebrow rose.

"Like Marshall and Lily on How I Met Your Mother?" His heart leaped. Not anyone would know what he meant by that... only her. She was the perfect woman.

"Yes, exactly. Let's just press pause. Let's have fun with the challenges and our mates and then, we unpause when it's not been so heavy in here. Once things have calmed down in this place." His hands were shaking. He didn't know if this was a good idea. He knew she liked to talk about her emotions and her mind worked in so many ways. She looked like she was really contemplating this idea.

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