Chapter 4 : Word Gets Around

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Word count : 1,062

The next day you walk into Namjoon's office and get everything ready and organized for the day. You go to your desk and sit down with a sigh. For some reason today your just drained and have no energy. As you log into your computer, tae comes running up to your desk. "Hey Y/n!" He says smiling with that boxy smile. "Hey Tae, what's up?" You ask giving him a warm smile back. "I was wondering if you could help me organize the little trip we will be taking next week." He asks looking pretty excited about it. "Wait, that's next week? I thought it was still a month away." You say sounding pretty surprised. "No it's next week and we still need to figure out where we are going." He says sitting down next to you on the stool. "Okay, let's look up some places." You say turning to your computer.

As you and Tae look for a place to take the trip you guys will be taking, Namjoon walks in. You and him quickly stand up and bow. "Good morning." You say as he just walks into his office saying nothing. Tae and you both then sit down again and Tae rolls his eyes saying, "He could at least say good morning back." You then look at him. "Tae shush, you don't want him to hear you say that." You say quietly. Tae sighs and nods his head. "I know, but I've only been working here for a month and I can already tell that he is a asshole. Like, he can't even say good morning?" Tae says crossing his arms. You elbow him in the side. "Tae just shut up before you get yourself in trouble." You say sighing. "But I know what you mean." You say looking back at the computer saying, "I'm honestly thinking about quitting. I got a good offer for working for someone else. He said I wouldn't get over worked there." Tae looks at you surprised "You can't leave me here alone!" He says looking worried. "I wouldn't be leaving right away anyways. Just, let's focus on finding a place for next week." You say not looking away from your computer. Tae nods his head and helps you look.

After just a few minutes you guys decide on this place up in the mountains that looks really nice. "Who is all going? I need to write the names down so I can tell Chairman Namjoon who won't been here for a few days next week." You say grabbing paper. Tae tells you who is all going and you write their names down going down the paper. "Okay! Since I have everything I need, you probably should get back to work." You say looking at him with a smile. "Okay! Do over work yourself to death." Tae says getting up and leaves.

For a hours or so you work on your computer, trying to get stuff done as soon as you can. As you finish up on some stuff, you pick up a folder for Namjoon and walk into his office. You walk up to his desk as he just sits there working on some stuff, not even acknowledging that you are there. "Sir, here are some papers you will need for your meeting later today." You say laying it down on the edge of his desk. He picks up the folder and opens it. He looks at the papers for a minute and then looks up at you. "You can leave now." He says coldly. "O-oh, yes sir." You say and quickly leave his office with a deep breath.

As you sit back down at your desk you get a text message from Jungkook.

Hey, are you free
Later tonight?

Yes I am, why are
You asking?

I was wondering if
We could talk about
My project.

Sure! We can meet
After I get off work.

Okay! See you then!

You put your phone down and get back to work without giving it much thought. After a few hours namjoon walks out and looks at you. "I need you to stay after work again today. One of the companies we are working with changed their mind on what they want to do." Namjoon says with his hands in his pocket looking at you with no expression on his face. "u-uhm, I'm supposed to meet Jungkook later about his project." You say looking a little worried. "Just meet him another day about it, this is more important at the moment." He says and walks away. You sigh and text Jungkook about not being able to meet tonight after work.

You then notice that you didn't print off some papers and you hurry to the printing room. As you are standing there, a coworker walks in next to you waiting to print some papers off too. "Hey Y/n, I heard that you might be quiting soon. I'll be sad to see you leave." She says with a smile. You look at her shocked. "Where did you hear that from?" You asked as you knew you only told Tae about that. "Tae said something about it. I was sho-" you quickly leave the room before she could finish her sentence. You head right to Takes desk. "Tae! Why did you say something about me quitting!" You say quite angry since you didn't want no one to know about it yet. "O-oh, uhm, I didn't mean to." He says with a nervous smile. You give a loud sigh and look so frustrated. "Tae you shouldn't tell other people about my business! You know how word travels fast around here." You say looking at him. "I-im sorry, I really didn't mean to. It just slipped out." He says sounding really sorry about it. "It's okay tae, just, please don't tell other people my business." You say and walk away. "The day keeps getting better and better huh?" You say to yourself.


Hey guys! How are you?

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Hey guys! How are you?

I feel like this book is slow and taking a long time, but I really want to take time for character development and I don't want to rush the book to much.
Also, stream Stay Gold, I've been streaming it all day, I'm obsessed with it, lol. Anyways, have a good day/night! 💜

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