7 Magic Car-Pet Ride (Sound Clever In My Head)

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Dad said to not mention his meeting with Ethan to anyone. But part of the school had found out. Who blab? One guess.

"Hey A.J., does Ethan like cookies?" Jamie Creager asked.

School was over for today. Dad instructed my brother and I to wait for Granny to pick us up for C.J.'s tennis practice.

"Uh. I don't know who you're talking about." I lied.

"Isn't it true Ethan Wacker is over your house?" Jamie asked.

"No, who ever told you that?" I asked, like I didn't know.

"Ian said he saw Ethan walk into your house last night."

I laughed nervously, "Why would Ethan come to my house?"

No time for an answer, Granny's blue van pulled up at the school.

"Come on boys, you ready?"

"Talk to you lates," I replied as we strolled to the car.

"Ruff, ruff," barked Steve, hiding his ability to talk.

We hopped in the car and Granny soon took off.

"How was your day?" Steve asked. "You didn't tell anyone about Ethan, did you?"

"Steve, I'm trying to drive. Can you please keep quiet?" Granny requested.

"Granny, why did you bring Steve along?" I asked. Granny has picked us up before, but never included Steve. Not ever since he could talk.

"It was your dad's idea. I don't know why, but he suggested it."

Things were quiet in the car for a while, "So how was school today, boys?" Granny asked.

C.J. and I looked at each other, "Ok," I hesitated.

"Just ok? Nothing new?" I could see Granny really wanted details.

"Are you sure you can focus talking about school?" I asked.

"August, I've been driving for years. I know how to drive and talk."

"Well, there's a Christmas concert coming up for choir." I started.

"But we're getting ready for the fall one first," C.J. continued.

"Oh wow!" Granny exclaimed with excitement. "Be sure to let me know when so I can see it."

A smile spread across my face. "Granny, can I ask you something?" I asked.

"Sure Sweety, anything." Granny requested.

"Do you think reading minds could be helpful?" Granny slammed the brakes at a red light. C.J., Steve and I went flying forward.

Our seatbelts held us in place. C.J. held on to Steve tightly until he was sure he was safe.

"Thanks C.J." Steve said gracefully. C.J. petted Steve on his head.

"A.J., let's not talk about magic right now, ok?" I looked into Granny's eyes. They were cold and uninviting.

"Ok," I said nodding.

The light changed green and Granny released the brakes. "Do you boys have homework?"

C.J. didn't say a word. I could tell he was afraid to, I was too.

"Boys, did you hear me? Do you have homework today?" she repeated.

"Yeah," I replied.

Steve whispered to me, "Your great grandma wants to meet with you boys at home. She says it's urgent."

I glared at Granny's eyes through the hovering rearview mirror. Her icy glare stared back at me. A shiver ran down my spine.

"Are you ok A.J.?" Granny asked.

I couldn't speak a word. Instead I just nodded.

The rest of the car ride was quiet. No one said a word until we got to church.

"Now A.J., I want you to go upstairs to the computer room. Focus on your homework and no using magic to get it done." Granny called getting out the car.

C.J. grabbed his tennis racket from the trunk and went straight to the gym. Steve followed him.

"Steve, you keep quiet." she scolded. Granny followed them.

"Granny, I might need some help with Science." I was starting to feel as though Granny was trying to avoid me.

"I'll be right there. You just head upstairs in the church."

I walked my way pass the office, though the sanctuary and up the stairs to the computer room.

I pulled out my science book and started reading about how animals work as a team.

I stopped as I was greeted by a glowing light.

It was like a light bulb floating in the middle of the room. "Don't be scared A.J., it's just me." I recalled the sound of Great Grandma Willie's voice.

"Great Grandma, what are you doing here?" I whispered.

"I haven't come for you dear, but our visit will come at a later time today."

"Grandma, magic isn't evil is it?" I asked.

"The dark arts of spells and curses have been around for many years," the ball of light traveled around the room swiftly. "They were reached to evil people who would use them to harm others."

"But what about fairies and godmothers?" I asked.

"Fairy tales aren't real. They are just stories. Magic was used to harm others and gain selfish needs."

I blinked in awe, "But what about Moses or Jesus?"

"That magic was used to help others and came from God himself. Magic of Witchcraft comes from the spirits of evil."

I was stunned in amaze. That's when Granny walked in.

"Oh my! What is that?"

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