sixteen: emotions

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Josephine's Pov

Today I'm not in a big mood.
I'm tired and my belly hurts because of the period cramps.
Someone knocks to my office door so I turn around curious.
"Come in." I say and then Nathan comes in with a big smile and his light brown eyes are covered by a pair of glasses that makes him look more professional.
He's wearing a white shirt and brown pants and I'm asking myself if he is not getting cold.
"Hey, good morning." I say standing up.
"Good morning! I brought you some coffe." he says giving me a cup.
"Oh thank you. So sweet." I say stepping forward and hug him.
I place my head to his chest and then I smell his cologne.
It smells so good. While my hands are on the muscles of his back and damn, he's working out hard.
"Your welcome, did you knew if your going to come to New York yet?" he asks hopefully.
I shake my head.
"Oh, I'm sure that he will come her during the day. Okay, I'll let you go back to work." he says stepping out.
"Yeah, thank you for the coffee. I really appreciate it." I say smiling to him.
He smiles me back showing me his sweetest smile.
"Have a great day, let me know if he-" he try's to say while he is stepping out and then he collides with someone.
I walk to the door and I see Christian.
Oh God. It's happening? I'm going to New York?!
"Here he is!" Nathan says euphorically.
"Good morning you two." Christian places his arm around Nathan shoulders walking him inside with him.
"Good morning. Is that the watch th-" I try to ask looking at his wrist. He's wearing my birthday gift.
"Yes of course! I love it and I came here to say a big thank you." he says opening his arms.
"Oh it's not a big deal. It's from all the family members." I say in his chest while I'm thinking about how many expensive gift the other guest gave him last night.
"I love it it's my favourite." he says looking at it.
"I also came here to ask you if you have plans for the next days." he says seriously.
"No I don't have none." I say.
He looks at Nathan and smiles.
"So you can come to New York with us. Right?" he asks with a smile while my heart literally stops.
I run Bach to his arms.
"Oh my God yes! I- God I can't believe it. New York City?" I ask leaning back and look at him.
He nods laughing. He knows how much I love USA.
"But you have to finish your work, I checked on your last week work and is excellent. I know that I'm asking the impossible but it's better if you finish the this week work before we go." he says while Nathan nods.
"When we have to leave?" I ask.
"In two days." Nathan says.
"No problem. I can do it." I say so sure about that.
They both smiles at me proudly.
"Okay so everything is already paid, flight and hotel, you just have to send me your passport copies through my email." Christian says.
I hug him back.
"Thank you Christian for the opportunity." I say.
"You deserve it sweetheart." he says and then he kisses my hair.
"Okay now I have to run. See you around." he says and then when he left I look at Nathan.
He curls his lip and lift his eyebrows like to say "I told you"
"We're going to New York!" I yell and then I literally jump on his arms and he hugs me and lift me up.
This is so mind blowing to me.
It's only my second week and I'm actually going to a big meeting in New York.
"I knew it." he whispers to my ear and after he puts me down.
I look at him and I just realise that I jumped on him and I know him since last night.
But it feels that we know each other since years.
"So it's packing time." he says talking about the suitcases. I nods and I watch him leave my office.
When I sit back on my chair I lean back and look up at the ceiling.
Is all this a dream? Because if it is don't wake me up.
My life turned from being completely worthless to an perfect life style. I have a well payed job, I have a beautiful apartment and I'm making some friends.
"Who the fuck was that hot guy that just walked out from here?" Scar irrupts in my office without knocking.
"Scar?" I say scared.
"I have to say a thing." she says gasping.
"Don't tell me that you're going to New-" I say slowly standing up.
"Oh my God yes!!!! You too?" she asks jumping on her hills.
I nod and she jumps on me like I did few minutes ago with Nathan.
"I can't belive it!" she says so excited.
"Me neither." I say sitting back on my chair.
"Okay, now: who was that hot guy?" she asks with a smirk.
"I have to tell you a thing." I say and then she sits on my desk.
"Tell me. Is that your new boyfriend?" she asks with her eyes wide open.
"What? No! I know him from last night. Okay, listen. Please don't be mad at me." I say a bit scared to loose my first friend.
"Okay." she says calmly.
"I was at Christian's birthday party last night because I know him well. He is a good friend of my family." I say and she just whispers an "Oh."
"Im sorry if I didn't told you that. It's just I was scared that you could think that I'm here just because he's a friend of my dad." I say.
He shows me a little smile and then she opens her arms.
I'm weightless now.
"I could never judge you in that way, I know that you work hard and plus Hero told me about how many time you feel asleep while you were working." she says laughing.
I step back from her arms.
"God, you two tell each other everything everything huh?" I ask and she laughs.
"I told you, we're like brother and sister." she says.
"I get it, I also have a great relationship with my sister but I don't tell her everything like you two does." I say making her laugh.

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