Chapter 8 - Love?

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We were all back at the castle, the bandits being thrown into the dungeon, the four of us celebrating the trust that Yen gained himself from Yanko and Ridget, mainly Yanko. All four of us were eating dinner, talking amongst ourselves about anything random. This felt nice, having a family conversation over dinner, smiling happily. Yanko for a change was able to express real joy towards Yen, the two actually enjoying each other's company. I smile at the two bonding.

One of them made a funny joke, both of them sharing a laugh, and then Yen looking in my direction. I give a small wave, shyly simpering. Yen wave back, the both of us staring at each other in a loving way. Lost in his eyes, I softly smack myself out of my senses, continuing to eat what I had left on my plate. Ridget was the quietest of us here, but he did talk from time to time. He was so focused on eating, Yanko thought that he was doing deep dark thinking again.

Here came the desserts, each of them looking more delicious than the last. My mouth watered at the sight of the cheese cake in the middle of the table, shimmering in all its glory. "Go on, help yourself" Yanko ushered us, Yen and I cutting ourself a slice, and biting into the rich goodness. Yanko beamed at the sight of us two, elbowing Ridget to look at us both, Ridget giving a cute smile as if we were children. Yen drops his fork accidentally on the floor, me sharing my own.

I never minded sharing my utensils, it was just the idea of having too much saliva on the silverware that bothered me since I'm a slight germaphobe. "You can share some of my cake" I reply to Yen, shoving my plate in between us two. "Thank you, Poky" Yen said using my fork to cut himself a small piece, and downing the cake in one gulp. I could tell he really liked the cake since he helped himself to another piece after I tried taking the fork away from him.

"Yen, I think it's my turn for a piece" I retort, attempting to grab the fork from his grip. Yen looked at me with a cheeky smile, him twirling the fork in his fingers. "You want the cake?" Yen questioned, me nodding rapidly. He chuckled softly, cutting a piece and feeding it to me like a child. "Say ah!" Yen directed, me following along with his directions. "Ah!" I repeated, Yen inserting the piece of cheesecake in my mouth. Yanko couldn't help but awe at us both together.

We all consumed the rest of our desserts, Yanko wishing Ridget and Yen a good night. I help Yanko out put the plates on a cart so the maids can clean them later. "So, how are you and Yen?" Yanko asked, him chatting away. I thought about what to say, me only knowing Yen for a couple of days. "I'm good, Yen and I have become really close as friends" I answer, Yanko scooting next to me with a smirk on his face. "How close are you two?" Yanko said pressuring me more.

From his excitement to learn more, I could tel it was going to be a long night. Yen and Ridget were asleep, Yanko and I sat in the library across from my room. "Tell me about it, please" Yanko spoke, him drinking some tea me made for himself. I had on the side some hot chocolate since it's my favorite. "Yen and I are really close, and so far I'm feeling this burning sensation deep down" I respond, Yanko humming with contentment, and sipping more of his tea.

"How about it? What is it you feel?" Yanko quizzically stated, him setting his cup down on a saucer, crossing his legs, and getting comfortable. "I feel very happy to have met him! There's this one time Ridget caught us both on the roof, watching the night lights shining all around" I remind myself, picturing that memory. Yanko smiled warmly, his eyes filled with a bit of jealousy. "Wow, not even Ridget is that daring" Yanko laughed, him possibly daydreaming.

A knock on the door emerged, a faint voice talking on the other side. "Yanko, you in here?" a deep male voice asked. Yanko got up from his seat, me drinking some of my hot chocolate, and watching Yanko go to open the door. "Hi, Ridget! We were just talking about Poky and Yen" Yanko told him, Ridget peeking above Yanko to see me huddled in the corner of the room on my chair. They both sat down with me, proceeding the talk further about Yen and I's relationship.

"So you have a crush on Yen?" Ridget questioned, me nodding to confirm that. Yanko came over to my chair, hugging me like a loving guardian. "I bet you two would be adorable together~" Yanko cooed, squishing my cheeks in his hands. I shove his hands away, taking my cocoa cup, pretending to sip some more to cover my blush. "Poky, if you don't start dating Yen, I'm gonna tease you and Yen just like I teased Paulina and Bryce when they were younger" Ridged joked.

I roll my eyes, looking down at my lap. The cup was empty now, Yanko noticing from how long I've been staring in it. "You want more?" Yanko insisted, me declining the offer. "No thank you, I'm good" I replied, raising myself off the soft cushioned chair. Ridget and Yanko smiled at each other, following me to wish me goodnight. I change into my pajamas, Yanko tucking me in, and Ridget saying some things like "You won't regret it" and "you two would be cute together".

"Goodnight, Poky" both Ridget and Yanko said, kissing me on different sides of my cheek at the same time. Yanko left the room last, turning off the light, and waving goodbye to me with a wink. I wave back, giggling from his goofiness. Resting my head back on my pillow, I begin thinking about actually confessing to Yen. "How would I tell him?" I whisper to myself, daydreaming about all the possible dates and picnics we could have together. What was Yen doing right now?

Using my mind reading powers that Mom taught me about, I see if I could reach Yen from where his room was. Just below me, Yen's room was, him sitting on his bed just thinking about something. "Come on, brain" I muttered, forcing myself to get something out of this much use of power. Finally, I was able to reach Yen's mind. 'Poky, if only I could tell you how much you mean to me' Yen's conscience said, my face burning up from his mind. This felt like a dream come true!

I think Yen loves me romantically!

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