Chapter 2 devastation

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Serena POV

Serena is that you a person says in a worried tone yes it is me ash I say still crying thank god your ok but why are you crying ash says seriously I fell and hurt my leg Serena lies well here take my hand i'll walk you back to camp says ash sincerely

(back at camp)

Were back ash says ooh holding hands I see dan says teasingly shut up ash says letting go of my hand hi guys a person says walking up to the group Hi Barry ash says casually guys there's going to be a Pokémon battle competition sure you going to enter well I will ash and red say I'll do it ted says same with me dan says how about you Calum Barry says sure why not Calum says confidently ok let's go to sign up

Time skip to the tournament semi finals


Hah it's me vs you ted ok ile start with Elekid says ted as he throws a poke ball and a bipedal creature emerges from it ok go Pikachu ash says as his partner Pokémon jumps off his shoulder and runs onto the battlefield ok elekid start with karate chop back to back ted yells ok counter that attack with iron tail now use thunderbolt ash says as it hits elekid doing a bit of damage elekid if we don't Finnish this soon you'll get tired out so use thunderbolt says ash with a grin the thunderbolts clash causing a explosion now pikachu use iron tail on the ground yells ash pikachu's tail hits the ground causing rocks to fling at elekid causing it to faint yes I won yells ash yeah I guess good match ash says extending his arm as ted shakes it

Barry POV

Barry you vs me says Calum with a grin ok come on out pansear well then I choose you wartortle I announce use ember says Calum ha use water gun wartortle damn come on pansear use scratch Calum says you'll regret that use water gun again I said it was super effective Pansear fainted yes I screamed woo red shouted good game I say whatever Calum says have some spirit I say shut up Calum says what the hell I reply yeah dude not cool Dan says then bam Calum punches Dan square in the face then I charged at him and knocked Calum onto the floor bam Calum punches me in the face my nose starts bleeding and I start rapidly punching Calum so red grabs me and pulls me off of Calum red tells me I have to fight prince Ash now fine I say don't call me prince Ash says why not I said I don't want to be a prince I want to be normal says ash shut up you greedy brat Calum says oooh looks like someone's jealous shut up you idiotic mole rat Calum retorts can both the finalists make there way to the battle field a speeker announced ok see yah guys we will be back after our battle says ash we'll be cheering for you says red thanks guys

At the battle field

Ok ash let's battle says Barry I'm going all out says Barry as he throws out wartortle ok i'll go with frogadier ok use grass knot yells Barry no a grass move yells ash as the grass knot hits frogadier doing massive damage frogadier use aerial ace says ash use rapid spin the moves collide doing not much damage to either Pokémon now use skull bash on frogadier's leg Barry says the wartortle tucks its head in and hits frogadier no frogadier ash yells now finnish this with water gun Barry says yes I won Barry says good match ash says shaking hands with Barry


well I'm going for a walk I say ok I'll come too if that is ok Serena says sure sounds good I say while blushing I think I like Serena but why we're friends is that weird ash thinks hey Ash why are you blushing Serena says oh my god does ash like me, this is the best day of my life Serena thinks let's get going Serena I say um yeah she says we start walking and then Serena said I need to go to the toilet so we walked there they were right near a bridge Serena went in to the toilets and I saw Barry on the bridge but then Calum crept up behind him and shoved him into the river I freak out he hits a rock and he's out cold then the current picked him up and he banged into some more rocks and then I couldn't see him any more should I tell Serena no I don't want to scare her she walks out of the toilet and sees me on the floor with my face in my hands and she says what's wrong nothing I mumble she kneels down and hugs me and says I'm always here for you thanks Serena let's go back to the others I say as she grabs my hand and pulls me into a passionate kiss...

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