Do I really want to be an old lady?

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It was funny because when I went to bed last night I could have sworn I was safely (or as safe as can be) on Earth and yet it felt like the flames of hell were playing tic tac toe all over my body. It was too hot. Shifting in the bed trying to get comfortable my arm knocked into a hard pointy thing behind me while another hard pointy thing pressed into my behind. The first was the horn protruding out of a boyfriend's head and the next was his penis.

I shifted again and Laz stirred behind me, pulling me in closer to his body.

"Hmm good morning to you too." He mumbled as he pressed himself against me a little harder. Still tired and definitely not in the mood to be fucked I shooed him away and tried to crawl under my pillows.

"Go bother someone else."

"But I want to bother you." A whine.

"Why, why did I get such a clingy boyfriend?" The words were a muffled mess from having my head pressed into my pillow but for some reason they made Laz freeze. I willed my tired mind to go back over what I said.

I hadn't invoked the name of God knowing how annoyed Laz got. What had I said? All I said was my boy—Oh fucking hell. I knew what made Laz freeze like a literal deer in headlights, although I had called him my boyfriend in my mind many times this was the first time I had ever said it out loud. Slowly turning my head afraid to scare him away I turned my head to face him, fear gripping me. I was the one with the commitments issues but what if he just up and left? Laz had explained it to me well. Demons don't love and he was no exception, did i freak him out by using that word?

Laz's mouth had fallen open slightly and his demonic eyes were opened wide, no whites visible just that dark blue that looked like a starless night sky.

"Laz," I began, trying to feel him out, "it just came out. It doesn't mean anything—"

Cutting off my sentence Laz lunged at me, trapping me under him and wasting no time before opening my legs and thrusting into me. Whatever I was going to say dissolved into a moan when he started thrusting.

After three rounds of sex this girl needed food ASAP. My energy was completely depleted not just from this morning but also last nights events. Laz was currently in the kitchen making us bowls of cereals while my body tried to recover, he had this smirk on his face that had appeared when I flipped him on his back and rode him to an orgasm not once but twice. I was proud of myself.

"Here we go, girlfriend." Laz giggled like a little girl. I was convinced he had forgotten my name because while we had sex all he would call me was his girlfriend.

"Someone's liking this labeling stuff a little too much huh?"

"Yes. Yes I am."

Well, at least he wasn't in denial. We sat in comfortable silence on the bed and ate our breakfast, Bast jumping on the bed to join us and curling up in Laz's lap. I thought cats had some sixth sense or something but I had gotten no warning that my fuck buddy turned boyfriend was a demon.

"I don't get it. Why does she like you so much?"

Laz gave me outraged look, "I am extremely likable okay? It's not my fault your cat has good taste."

I raised an eyebrow at him.

"Well you can go sleep out in the living room with her if you really want."

He wisely chose to stay silent and go back to eating. After we were done Laz lay his head on my lap, an invitation to stroke his horns again since he likes it so much.

"I want to take you out" he suddenly announced. I chuckled.

"Where exactly do you want to take me?" It has been so long since I had a night out. So long since there was someone in my life that actually wanted to take me out.

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