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  Kasey had to work the night shift, so I thought it'd be a perfect time for Hyde to come over.

    Kasey didn't care that I was alone with Hyde, be liked him more then his own brother.

"You wanna smoke?" He asked.

"You got some?" I asked.

"Yeah." He smiled.

"Of course you do, when don't you." I said.

"There are times, when I don't." He said.

"Okay, so we gotta go outside to smoke." I said standing up.

"That's cool." He said also standing up.

I walked into the kitchen and opened the side door.

Hyde followed behind.

"Come on, let's go to the back." I said making my way into the backyard.

"Since when do you have a playground?" He asked.

"Since the boys were little, but no one really uses it anymore." I said sitting on one of the swings.

Hyde sat on the one next to me.

He pulled out a joint and a lighter.

He lit it, took a hit, then passed it to me.

Then repeat.

    "You wanna listen to music in my room?" I asked him.

"What kind of records you got?" He asked.

"Come see." I said standing up from the swing.

   He stood up, then followed me back into the house.

We walked through the house, to my room.

"Welcome once again." I said as I opened the door and flipped the switch.

        We walked into the room and I walked over to pick up the crate of records, setting it on my bed.

"Pick a record." I said.

"Anyone? He asked.

   "Yeah." I said.

"Here." He said handing me a Led Zeppelin record.

"I knew it." I said taking the record from him.

I walked over to the record player, took the record out and placed it on there.

    I turned the volume all the way up.

"Sit wherever you'd like." I said as I sat down on my floor, my back against the wall.

He sat right next me on the floor.

I leaned my head against his shoulder, closing my eyes not expecting to fall asleep.

"Hey wake up." I heard him say as he tapped on me.

       I slowly opened my eyes and stretched.

"What's happening?" I asked.

   "Kaseys just got home, and he's going to take me home okay." He said as he slowly helped me up.

       "I'll see you tomorrow right?" I asked as I began to lay down on my bed.

"You can see me whenever." He said kissing my kissing my forehead.

    "Later Hyde." I said.

"Later hot stuff." He said turning off my light as he left my room.

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