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kairi sat there as his fathers bottom half connected to his. his father stroking his lower half inside of kairi over and over again.

kairi internally screamed knowing that not only would he get hit if he screamed out but, he doesn't have the energy left. he just wanted it to be over.

'it' being life. he just wanted to be happy. but, without both his mother and sister that simply wasn't going to happen. as his father finished kairi got up and went straight to the bathroom saying a faint ' ill be back' knowing he wouldn't.

kairi grabbed a pair of baggy black jeans. a white shirt some random bomber jacket and his red high top converse. his favorite outfit. the one he wore when he last seen his mother and sister.

he grabbed his bag full of pictures of his mom and sister. some even had him in them. he walked down the stairs and headed for the door.

" and where the hell do you think you're going?" my sperm donor shouted.

" out," i said shortly before closing the door.

if i was going to be coming back i would've regretted that. but, i wont be. i gonna go talk to god. it may be a little bit weird that i still believe in him after everything that's happened to me.

but, everytime i would pray and beg to him i would at least get a good nights worth of sleep. i took my sleep so serious. it was the only time i could talk my mom and sister.

the only time i was happy. i was walking peacefully down the street as it started raining. perfect scene huh? i started walking faster. as it started getting colder. i didn't know where i was going but, i'd know when i got there.

i walked past an ally as about five guys appeared behind me.

" c'mon sweet cheeks come with us,"

" aw baby don't be like that. we just want some fun,"

" hey! don't you hear us?"

" don't be a bitch,"

" hey little f*g did you hear us?"

i heard before i was roughly turned around by one of the five guys. i stood there with my head down. i didn't want any trouble. i wanted to talk to someone. someone that could help me. god.

" i-i don't want any trouble! i just wanna go. i don't want any fun. please just let me go," i said as sweetly as i could. i really wanted no trouble.

"grab him, lets go," one of the boys said.

everything went in slow-motion as i quickly grabbed the guys hand that tried to grab my arm and twisted it. causing him to fall to the floor and the others to look at me.

one of them tried to punch me but, i grabbed his hand and kicked him in the gut. that should knock the air out for a while. i saw a kick coming for my face in my peripheral view. i quickly grabbed his leg twisted it and pushed him down.

i took a quick breath mistakenly. as i felt a sting across my face. i had been slapped and thrown over someone shoulders. i used my knee to hit his back causing the guy to fall. the other guy charged toward me as i ducked one of his hits and kicked him in the balls.

i simply walked away not taking anytime to acknowledge what just happened. if i wanted this to happen my mind needed to be blank. i repeated the word nothing in my head over and over again until 'nothing' was the only thing i could think.

i stopped walking as i stood in front of the water. i was at the beach? i don't quite remember walking to the beach but, that's fine i guess.

i sat down and grabbed the pictures of my sister and mom. i placed them in a circled around so, i was surrounded by their love. it was cliche but, i read it in a book.

" god?"

i sat and waited for about 10 minutes.

"hello? i came here for talk to you,"

i didn't look up or down. i looked forward. there's no stoping forward. its always moving as god is i believe.

"fucking listen to me!"

" sorry for my language, its a hang up on how shitty ive been feeling,"

"c'mon you have to listen to me. i believe in you. please!"

i begged and begged but, there was nothing. i was wrong...or so i thought.

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