A Night With A Monster and Demon Pt 2

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(Not dead yet. So that's a pulse)

__:::~(Y/N)'S POV~:::__

I looked up at the boy in the green hoodie whom was gently stroking my head. I smiled and rested my head in his lap as he continued to pet me. A small noise made me perk up and open my eyes.A small black and gray tabby cat sat in front of us with a questioningly look. The boy looked down at the feline and chuckled, picking it up and holding it. 

I whined at the lack of attention and stood up, stretching like a cat. I yawned and shook my head trying to get rid of the tiredness. Looking down, the small cat jump out of the boy's arms and rub ageist my leg. Huffing in gratitude, I lowers my head to nudged it slightly in 'Thanks'. It meow and returned to the brunette and jumped in his hoodie pocket.

I walked over to the entrance of the cage but, a chain held me back.Yanking my head to the side, braking the chain.  I put my head and wing over the small boy so he wont get hurt. He scratched under my chin as an 'I'm Ok'. 

"Damn those were expensive" I herd Tord mumble. The green boy sent a glare at the horn-haired boy. I huff out smoke and also glaring at him. He sighed and walked out of his room. 

I looked down at the green boy and snorted. He looked up at me and smiled.

"let's go introduce you to the others" He said rubbing my cheek. I hummed in agreement and fallowed him to the living room.

When you left the room you lowered your head and folded your wings tighter as the hallway was smaller than the red devil's room. 

I huffed and fallowed the boy to a much larger room with an T.V. that hung from the wall and a couch with a little white stand next to it with a small lamp on it.  There were a couple of people on the couch. A darker brown than Green boy and a ginger.

"Guys! I want you to meet some one!" The brunette shouted. The two people turned there heads our direction. The ginger screamed and the darker brunette huffed and turned back to the T.V.

"Lame" he said in annoyance.  

"TOM! don't be so rude" Green boy said while pulling the darker haired boy's ear off the couch and over to where I was now sitting

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"TOM! don't be so rude" Green boy said while pulling the darker haired boy's ear off the couch and over to where I was now sitting.

"ow" Blue boy said as he rubbed his ear and glaring at the green boy. The ginger soon shyly walked over to me. 

'good god how much perfume does he use' I thought turning my head from the strong smell trying to not sneeze.  To late. 

"ACHOOOH!" I sneezed on the poor ginger. Blue laughed along with green.

"I told you wear to much perfume Matt!" Green laughed out. "Even the monster couldn't take it!" blue said shortly after.

I gave unapologetic look at 'Matt'. He ran off on what i'm guessing his room to change. One of my ears flicked up when a deep husky chuckle came from behind me. Looking up, the boy in blue had an bottle of sorts as he laughed. Half opening one of his eyes he gently ruffled up my hair. Purring loudly, I leaned into his touch witch took him back a bit. Slowly a soft smile went onto his face while he sat next to me as I layed on his lap.

-The Classified Experiment - Monster Tom x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now