Chapter 12

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"Are you stupid?" he ask Yeil while harshly inhaling trying his best not to hurt her

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"Are you stupid?" he ask Yeil while harshly inhaling trying his best not to hurt her.

He run his hands through his hair and glared at the girl who remained frozen in her place.

"stop it jaeyoon!" youngbin muttered massaging his head. He closed his eyes and rubbed his hands on his neck feeling so stressed out.

"stop it...?" he gritted his teeth, still glaring at the girl who was slightly shaking. "you- you treated our hostage and let him eat like a guest  and now you're asking us if we can let him go? "He muttered appalled at her suggestion.

"That kid holds the secret of the syndicate we've been trying to put down." he grumbled and stared at the girl who remained looking down at the floor.

"dumb bitch" he mumbled thoughtlessly to himself turning his heels around feeling so angry just with the sight of her face.

Yeil heard him which made her anger rise up to her head. The words kept on ringing on her ears repeatedly.She slowly lifted her gaze and glared at the back of his head. She feels so agitated at his words. She rest her right hand on her hips while the other hand started to form a fist.

It pissed her off and made her feel so infuriated. She harshly run her hands through her hair and poke the white-haired shoulders to gain his attention.

Jaeyoon slowly turned his heels to face her when he felt a stinging sensation in his cheeks. He cupped it and knitted his eyebrows in confusion.

He scan the surrounding confused as to why he received the slap but frowned when his eyes fell on Dawon who was stifling his laugh and Inseong who was snorting.

His eyes then fell on the short girl in front of him who was fuming with anger. He furrowed his eyebrows still confused at the sudden slap.

He was still unaware of the word he muttered a while ago which made Yeil angrier.

"I'm a dumb bitch?" she scoff looking at his eyes directly. Jaeyoon's eyes widen at the mention of the word.

He step back in reflex when she started to lift her hands readying herself to land another slap on his face.

"Yeah you are!" he shouted back feeling the pride bubble inside of him. He can't let this woman order him around.

Yeil frowned when he confirmed what he said.

"I'm a dumb bitch..." she trailed off putting emphasis on the last two words. Clenching her fist.

"then I'm gonna show you who's the dumb bitch now!" she yelled punching him in his face. Jaeyoon stumbled backward cupping his nose. His vision became blurry for a minute before he regain his posture.

He slitted his eyes and stared at her in anger. He was about to punch her back but Dawon held him.

"let me go!" he breathe out forcefully removing himself away from Dawon's grasp. Blood started to drip from his nose, he groaned when he felt the warm liquid flowed down from his nose and the iron-like smell infiltrated his sense.

"Stop it!" Youngbin shouted in a stern voice glaring at them. He massaged his head silently asking Jaeyoon to back down and control himself.

Jaeyoon soon calmed down and continued looking down letting the blood flow out of his nose. A humorless laugh escape from his lips when the situation slowly sink in.

Dawon removed his hands from his arms and went back to his seat. Trying his best not to laugh at the situation.

Once all of them settled down. Youngbin lead them out of his office and went to the meeting room which can accommodate them all.

They sat around on the round table with Yeil and Jaeyoon far away from each other. The two didn't stop giving
each other stinky eyes which made Youngbin groan in frustration.

"Okay let's talk it out without punching each other" Youngbin said calmly. A tired breathe escaping from his lips.

He turned his head to Yeil's direction. Yeil held an unamused expression. She look away from Youngbin not wanting to promise anything. She cannot promise not to give someone a beating.

Youngbin sighed and turned his head to Jaeyoon's which scoffed but slowly nodded his head at him which made Youngbin's lips curve into a relieved smile.

"Yeil can you tell us why you want to help the kid?" Youngbin asked and leaned his back on his chair.

A tired sigh escape from Yeil's lips. She eyes everyone in the room before  propping her elbows in the table and clasping her hands.

" That kid has a name and it's Jungmyun. He joined the syndicate to earn money for his family. He said he wanted to quit but the syndicate will kill his family if he plan on doing it. He said he's not part of them he just deliver illegal stuffs to their clients. Nothing more nothing less " Yeil explained eyeing the other's expression.

Inseong had a confused face plastered on his face. He knitted his eyebrows contemplating on whether they should believe her or not. It is a crucial decision that will probably affect them in the future.

Jaeyoon eyed Yeil who was fumbling her thumbs while eyeing Youngbin who had a troubled expression. He sighed and stood up abruptly causing for his chair to screech.

Everyone turned their heads on Jaeyoon confused on his action. He raised his hands in defeat while staring directly on Youngbin's eyes. Silently sending him a message about his disagreement with the idea.

Youngbin nodded his head in understanding before he turned to others who are still in a daze. Youngbin eyed everyone waiting for them to make up their minds.

After a few minutes Youngbin got everyone's decision with the majority of them disagreeing. They can't let the kid go, knowing how crucial he is for their mission.

The mission to completely wipe out the syndicate called Blood Moon.

Blood moon is a syndicate that sells drugs, kidnaps people to sell and become slave, extorts money from the oppressed, and kills people who are against them. Worst is they always get away from it, they have a strong connection to the government officials and that made them more determined to take it down.


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omg it's zuho's birthday tomorrow!

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