Chapter 28

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Days passed by Youngbin's plan to cut off Blood Moon's connection is gradually getting achieved

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Days passed by Youngbin's plan to cut off Blood Moon's connection is gradually getting achieved. They already found enough evidence to put the corrupt officials in jail. although the case is still ongoing at least they are one step closer to their goal.

Knights of the Sun's stay under NCT's supervision have been hard for them but after a week of living under them, they manage to adapt to their unusual practices. It was hard but at least they got a roof under their head.

"NOONA!" a high pitched scream erupted in the room which Youngbin dismissed knowing where the sound came from. he rolled his eyes not baring the boy a glance. he focused his gaze on the television as Chenle and Jisung— the groups maknae— continued to annoy Yeil as she cooks food for them.

"Shut up!" dawon shouted, glaring at the two before dragging them out of the kitchen to give Yeil peace.

it has been like this. Dawon acting annoyed at the members every day. Especially when yeil is with the other boys. Everyone knew what Dawon is feeling so they continued to get on his nerves and make him jealous by sticking to yeil and flirting with her. The girl on the other hand is still oblivious to the action. She takes everything as a joke or dismisses the action as a friendly act.

"NOONA!!!" chenle exasperated as he clung into Yeil's arms. Yeil turned her head towards his direction before giving him a small smile.

Dawon glared at the younger as he continued to clasp his hands into Yeil. He was frowning while peeling the vegetable in his hands.

"Chenle can you please let go of me, I need to cook!" Yeil begged to remove the younger's hands away from her arms.

the said boy pouted before letting go of her hands. he teasingly smirked at dawon when dawon threw a glance at him.

Dawon is fuming with petty anger seeing the younger smirked. he was close to pouncing the kid at the wall.

"Sanghyuk are you okay?" Yeil asked with her small voice glancing at him with worried eyes after watching him squeeze the life out of the carrots that he was holding.

Dawon snapped out of her trance throwing Yeil a small smile before letting go of the crushed carrots and setting in on the plate.

He harshly inhaled trying to calm his nerves. he closed his eyes before opening it and taking a peek at yeil who was busy throwing the ingredients in the stew she was making.

Yeil was humming while stirring the stew. She kept on glancing in the living room, watching the kid as they banter on who's next to play the video game. She sighed, shaking her head at their silliness. They really remind her of her siblings.

"Yeil noona~!" A deep voice called Yeil. The said girl turned towards the direction before smiling, she excitedly waved her right hand while the other was still mixing the stew.

"Mark!!!" Her mouth automatically curved into a grin seeing the younger. Mark was out to do a mission and have never been back for a week.

"How are you? Did the mission go well?" Yeil bombarded the younger with questions as she lowers the fire. Her eyes then landed on dawon who left the kitchen, his chair screeching in the process.

Yeil grimaced, her body trembling because of the loud sound. 

"The mission went well... " he trailed off, stroking his hair.

"Did the boys bother you?" He added, his eyes squinting a bit as she questioned the female.

"They didn't —" Yeil's word was cut short by a scoff.

"Yeah right!" hwiyoung murmured before glancing at the male and giving him a lopsided smile.

"I told them not to bother you or the others. they just won't listen to me." Mark grumbled. "I'm sorry noona!" He apologized.

"It's fine!" Yeil dismissed him. "It's not like they did pranks, they hardly even bothered me but I don't mind. They're just like my siblings" Yeil muttered, smiling at the younger.

Hwiyoung who stopped by the kitchen to fetch juice for himself shook his head before heading towards the counter and putting the other glass of juice beside mark.

Mark was surprised by his action. He cleared his throat before giving the male a smile and drinking the juice.

"Thanks" he mumbled in shyness. Hwiyoung who heard him gave him a nod before walking away with a glass of juice.

"that was awkward!" Yeil muttered but a smile was playing in her lips.

"Yeah, it was!" Mark chuckled, rubbing his hands into his neck.


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I'm so sorry for not updating this. I was under a major writer's block and I couldn't think of scenes that would fit this right plus I'm so busy with school. Please forgive meeee.

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