5: Are you blackmailing me?

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It was a dark and stormy night and I was driving back home from school. Listening to the radio, and enjoying myself then suddenly a truck came in front of me from nowhere. My hands were stuck in the window and I could only feel the pain arising around my body.

Slowly, I turned my head beside me, there was someone else with me as my visions slowly turned blurry.

"Honey, Wake up!!, Mom shouted right at my ears so I opened my eyes.

My breathing was shallow and and my whole body was covered in sweat, Mom was sitting right beside me in the bed, her eyes glistening with concern.

"You are fine now, none of that was real, Mom comforted me which I responded with a slight nod.

"Are those nightmares still worst?" Mom questioned.

I nodded my head to confirm. I really didn't want to make my mom to have stress over these nightmares. I also didn't tell her about the elevator because I know for sure she would freak out.

"Will you be able to go school, Sweetie?"

"Mom, I never skip my school and the last time I skipped was-

"When you suffered from diarrhoea and had no other way than staying at home," Mom completed for me.


I arrived at school on time as usual but there was a huge crowd screaming at something. Not interested.

Somebody grabbed my hand as I was about to leave that place to avoid those drama because if something unfair was happening in there then I would obviously be meddling. Turning behind, my eyes were locked with beautiful green eyes full of concern.

"Naydelin, Are you alright?," Brandon asked. "Brie told me what happened."

"Yeah. I'm great," I lied because I don't want him to worry about this small matter.

"What's going on in there?," Brandon inquired with his gaze fixed at that large crowd.

"I don't know, I arrived just now," as soon as these words left my mouth, I was practically pulled by Brandon towards the crowd.

My eyes almost popped out to see a guy being beaten to death by none other than the so-called badboy of Granite High, Jason Cooper. I was once bullied in my middle school then Alex stood by me and he also taught me to stand for myself. But this sight was far worse than bullying. I'm worried that Jason might actually kill him.

Should I stop them? But, I really didn't want to intrude into this fight and welcome more trouble.

Finally, I decided to leave this fight so I turned back and slowly took each steps towards my classroom maybe. Ughh, Why can't I do this.

When I was about to leave, the conversation between Jason and his coach strike my mind. If he got into a trouble then he might be kicked out of his quarterback position someone will replace him. He even saved my life, I don't know if I would be alive without him being supportive and there with me.

Without a second thought, I rushed in between the crowd and came in between them just before Jason could land his fist on that guy's face. His once so beautiful emerald eyes were now darkened and filled with hatred and rage with the look of disbelief in his face.

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