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                         Arriving at my old house in Italy, I feel like it had been forever since I had gone there. I still remember this country like my name. I went here to study business management and then got some photography lessons. After I finished putting everything to place, I get into the shower. Each drop of water reminds me of him. Will I ever be able to forget him? I get out and dry my hair. While drying my hair, I remember Justin again. I remember him with her. It still goes on and on in my mind. I decide that maybe the only way to get my mind off him is to get out. I go to my usual bar. I order some vodka. "Rachel?! Is that you?" someone says, I turn around "Zack?" I say "What are you doing here?" I hug him and we both sit on the bar. " This is technically my home. What are you doing here? Last time I saw you was like...uh...what? Four years ago, right?" he says "Yeah... I'm sorry I haven't reached out to you. Tell me now, what did you do? Did you get married?" "I got married." he says "That's great! What is her name?  I would love to see her one day or something" "We got divorced two years ago but then after a year or something I got into a relationship." "I'm sorry that you got divorced. Would you like to tell me why?" "We weren't meant to be. We weren't able to understand each other. It was a joint decision." "Tell me about this new girlfriend of yours." "Well, there's the thing. We broke up after two or three weeks and I have been living the life of a happily single man," he says. "Wow! Typical Zack!"  we both giggle. 

                         "We should order something to drink as it looks like it's gonna be a long night," he says "A bourbon for me and a martini for her," he says to the bartender "Am I getting it right?" he says to me and I nod "I'm always known for my memory" he prides "Yeah, that's why when we would come here, at least three girls would come to greet you and after they leave, you tell us that you don't remember a single detail about them even their name." We both giggle. "So tell me, why did you go back to America, and what made you come back here?" "I only came to Italy to study and I only stayed longer than what I had planned for because of the photography classes" I continue "I came back.....I'll tell you later. Looks like I'm not gonna go back for a while". We stay all night talking and he drives me back home.

One Year later

                        I wake up with someone knocking on the door like a mad man. "Wait!" he keeps knocking. "I said wait!" I shout. I open the door to see Zack. "What the fuck?! Is this how you wake someone up?!" I say and leave the door open him. I wipe my eyes when I say "What time is it anyway?" "It's 8 O'Clock. Our plane is less than two hours away and you're bearly even near ready!" Zack says. "How did that happen?! Wait just ten to fifteen minutes and I'll be ready" I totally forgot that we were traveling today. I wear a black flowy crop-top blouse and a red flowery ankle skirt, I put on light makeup and leave my hair natural and wide curls. I go out to find Zack looking at me as if it's the first time to see me. "What?" I ask "Nothing" he shrugs and smirks. "We're gonna be Mister early." We arrive at the airport and head to our plane. We finally arrive at our destination. "Are you nervous?" Zack asks "Me?...No... Why would you say that?" "No reason. Just checking." he continues "Do you want to go to a place to eat or just head to the hotel ?" "I'd rather go to the hotel first just to put our luggage there and then we could go to find places to live. We're not going to live in our hotel rooms forever of course." I say. 

                       After we arrive at the hotel, I look at my hometown and feel like I've never left it. I start to think about Justin again. I'm curious about him again. Did he marry Miya or someone else or did he wait for me? What will I do if I saw him?  Zack interrupts me and goes into the room. "Are you ready?" he asks "For what?" I ask him "Didn't you say that we must find places to live?" "Oh right. I'm sorry. It's just because of the traveling and the lack of sleep.Uh...let's go" I say and then we start walking around for places. After two full hours of looking, each of us found the house that he felt comfortable in and suits his personality and nature best. I call the real-estate worker and tell him to bring the contract as soon as possible. While waiting for Zack to come and pick me up, he calls me and tells me that he's gonna be late for thirty minutes because of traffic. I go to the nearest coffee shop and send Zack my location. While waiting for my order to be ready, I see Justin ordering. I feel like I'm going crazy and that the air is being sucked out of my lungs. I put my hands on the left top side of my neck. I get interrupted by the waiter and when he leaves, I find out that he wasn't Justin and that it's only my imagination. I feel again at the same spot. 

                      Zack calls me to inform me that he has arrived. The whole ride I'm feeling at the spot and my heart aches more. "Did something happen?" Zack asks me "No, no. I'm just hungry." I feel him looking at me but I pretend that I don't notice him.  We arrive at the restaurant. "Miss Rachel! How are you? It has been a long time since you visited us." the owner tells me after I sit on my table. "I was in Italy and I have just come back." "Did you order something to eat?" he asks "Actually we were just about to" I tell him. "I'm gonna tell the chef to take care of your order. Excuse me". "So, we need to start looking for a place for our company." A few weeks ago, Zack came to me to watch a movie. "Rachel?" "No" I answer before I know what he wants " Could you just hear me? Maybe you like it and maybe not" he says "What do you want Zack?" I pause the movie " Remember when we were talking about making business together? Well after thinking about it and calculating all the great possibilities, I think that we should maybe have it in Ameri.." before he finishes the sentence I interrupt "No Zack. Forget it." "Rachel, just please think about it." After a few days, I realize that maybe it's time for me to come back. It has been a whole damn year.

                          "Yeah, we should," I say "Maybe tomorrow?" he says "Can we make it on the weekends? It's just I have moving day and it's gonna be exhausting." I say "Yeah, yeah sure." he says. We went on talking about our project when someone bumps into my chair accidentally and my bag falls. "I'm sorry," he says picking it up. "It's okay" I hand out my hand to take it from him when I notice that it's someone I know. I look at him and I'm frozen, the only movement I take is my hand going to the spot. "Hey, Rachel," Justin says his face is bold. I feel like I'm hallucinating. I'm sure.

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