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              As I head to my room, I see Ava. "Hey, my garbage can is full. Can you make someone take it out?" "Yeah. Of course," " Oh, and if Zack or Sara ask where am I, tell them I went out for lunch." She nods and I go inside to take my bag. I take the stairs at that time just to avoid seeing him. I arrive at the first floor safe and sound and order an Uber. As I wait for my uber, he gets out of the company and I look at my phone. He is waiting for his car too, I guess. I look at my phone for the fifth time and my Uber is still 5 minutes away. The 5 minutes pass as if it is 5 hours. His ride arrives before mine. Roy gets out of the car and opens the door for Justin. "Miss Rachel?" Roy says as he closes the door for Justin. "Roy!" I hug him. "How are you?" I ask him after pulling away from his hug. "I'm great. I'm very happy that you are back. You are back, right?" he says. "Yeah. I'm back." My phone buzzes and I look at it. Your Uber is here. "Roy...come on. I'm late." Justin rolls his car window and I could just see his chin and a small part of his mouth. I roll my eyes and he closes the window. "I'm sorry Miss Rachel." He says and I nod. "It's okay Roy. I have to go too." I hug him and he tells me that he was really glad that I was finally back. Both of us go to our cars. He changed our car. He moved on. He got a black Mercedes SUV. "Where are we heading ma'am?" my Uber driver interrupts my thoughts. "I'm gonna lead you." He starts the car and after 2 U-turns, 1 bridge, and some lefts and rights, we arrive at a car showroom. I go in there and start looking at a couple of cars. After a lot, a lot of looking, I finally find the car that suits me. It's a silver A7 Audi. After I buy it, I head to my favorite place...the beach.

             I park at a place nearby and leave my jacket in the passenger seat of the car. There are a couple of stairs that lead to a one-meter wide sidewalk and then the beach sand. I take off my heels and go down the stairs with my shoulder bag and heels in my right hand. I find a spot where only 2 or 3 people are sitting and tanning quietly. I throw my bag and my shoes on the sand and sit beside them. I fold my jeans a 2-3 folds and bent my knees to my chest, hugging them. I put my forehead on them and then look at the beach again. I sigh and then look for a mini food truck that I have always loved to eat from whenever I'm at the beach. It passes by after 15-20 minutes. It's still like I remembered. A man is driving a wooden cart and it is painted in Biscay green and flame scarlet, the man looks like he is in his late 20s. I leave my stuff knowing that no one will never take them and call him. "Hey!" I yell as he is a couple of feet away from me and the beach waves are loud as hell but I like them that way anyways. I approach him and he yells, "Hey! Look who finally remembered us! No long time no see." "Yeah, I was out of the country but now your favorite customer is back!" I tell him flickering my eyes. "Come here!" Mason says and puts his arm wide open. I hug him and then when our hug breaks, he holds my hand tightly. I smile at him. "So...the usual?" he asks and I nod, "But make it extra spicy this time," he nods with a smile. "Now tell me. Where have you been? Seattle? Washington DC? Las Vegas?" he asks me. "I..." he cuts me off, "No don't tell me. The big city. I knew it!" he says. "No, actually I went to Italy." I chuckle and he frowns a little bit with furrowing his eyebrows. Mason has orange hair with an ear piercing in the left ear. He has a muscular body and always surfs when his shift is over. I never saw him surfing in person but he would always tell me that he is the best. "But I'm back!" I tell him and he smiles. "Here are your 2 hotdog buns, one with avocado paste and the other with honey mustard, and here is your sparkling water." He hands me my order. "How much do I owe you?" I ask him. "Don't be stupid! It's my treat," he says but I go to my bag and get a 20 from it. He refuses at first but then at last he takes it. "Mason! Come on! We are starving!" a man in only a swimming suit yells at him and beside him a girl in a red string bikini. She has a perfect body. "Is that your boyfriend?" I scold him. He laughs so hard that he almost chokes, "No, hell no! He is my best friend but the sexy lady beside him is my fiancé." "Oh! Congratulations!" I hug him tightly. I tell him to go to them and as he runs to them, I look at him and smile the way he grabs his fiancé over his shoulder and runs towards the waves.

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