1. The Main Reason 'My 600 lb Life' People Eat So Much is...

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... The Fact they can't Deal With Their Emotions in a Healthy Way...

And that's the cause of their later Weight Problems - because it causes uncontrolled Weight Gain! 

Now think what You do when You Feel Sad... - I have many 'Healthy Ways' to deal With That: When I am sad - I listen to the music ( to some Happy Song I Like - to cheer me up Quickly ) or watch a Funny Animals Video ( that also works for me ) or talk to a friend ( can even be an Online Friend ) or Read some Jokes or Sing it Out...

& When I'm Angry - I tear a piece of an old Newspaper I was going to throw away Anyway ( - I Recommend that One, works Really Well since My Preschool Times when My Mother told me about it - So maybe you also try to 'tear Your Anger Out' in the Next Occasion :) - I hope that it Helps You too! ) ...

...And Those People don't Have Any Healthy Ways to deal with Bad Emotions... - If they feel Sad, Angry, Lonely - or any bad thing Happens in their life - THEY JUST EAT! 

*What does it lead to?... - If you've Ever Watched 'My 600 Lb Life' - You Could See...

- THEY ARE A FEW TIMES FATTER & HEAVIER than a Healthy Person of Their Height Should Be! ( They Usually weight 200 - 450 Kilos! O_O )

< Yes, a Human being CAN BE THAT HEAVY when it comes to the Extreme! - Of course they didn't grow that Fat in a day, a month or Even a Year... - it Usually takes them over 10 Years, sometimes even more than that before they decide to change something - & until that Time they just keep eating, without solving their problems as they should be solved - so their condition isn't getting any better... it's just getting Worse with time! >

* And being so Large causes New Problems on a daily basis:

- Their body 'loses with gravity' ( - I mean when their bellies grow & grow - after some time, they are just starting to fall down, sometimes hanging below their Knees! < - yes, I really saw it! O_O >

- Their stomach stretches to the amount far above normal human stomach size - so they start eating even More to fill it in

- Walking & everyday activities start getting more & more difficult because of their weight

( in the worst cases they Stop Walking at all & Stay in their Bed for YEARS! - not being able to even go to the toilet! - so they just have to be cared about Like Babies!... cause they can't even wash themselves! )

- They get a feeling of hopelessness ( they see what they look like & usually 'don't want to be that fat' - but they Just Can't Stop Eating so Much till they have their Stomach Shrunk )

- They don't like themselves ( many of them start finding Their Own Bodies 'disgusting' because of How fat they get )

- they lose their independence ( they have to be helped by others in simple activities like putting shoes on - cause they can't see their feet because of their fat bellies )

- They often suffer joints & back pains ( cause carrying such a large body is a great challenge for their skeletons - the bones aren't getting stronger - only the Fat around them grows! )

- They often get diabetes

- They don't have (m)any other goals in life than Eating because they Think about it ALL THE TIME!

( just to compare: A healthy person gets hungry and eats the Next Meal after a Few Hours from the Previous Meal, right?... - & some 600 Lb People say that 'They can Eat EVEN EVERY HOUR! )

- Their Health gets ruined because the Heart finds it difficult to pump the blood for Such a Large Body

- Their legs get Swallen ( Sometimes very much ) - the less they move - the More Swallen Legs they have! - & not only in ankles space... Also on their Thighs ( & those 'swallen thighs bumps can weight even 30 Kilos! O_O ... - can you imagine having Something THAT HEAVY stuck to Your Leg? :/ ... - No matter that it's hard to walk with that, right? They can Feel its weight with Every Step! )

- They sometimes get as tired as if they've Run a Marathon when they just... Walked from their House door to Their Car door! 

- And they often need help with Getting Inside the Car ( which usually has to be larger than the cars of People with Healthy weight )

- It's also hard for them to fit the door wherever they go

( you just walk through the door having some free space on your sides & don't even think that 'This could be a problem for Anyone, right?... - & they usually don't fit the normal sized door walking to the front - so they have to turn to their side just to fit the door! )

- And they don't like going out ( if they still can ) - cause they can see that 'People are Staring at Them!'

- But what's the Most Dangerous - they may have Problems With Breathing! 

( some even have to wear Rebreathers with oxygen stuck to their noses - because Their Lungs get so weak that They can't breathe without help )

Stop Overeating & Stress Eating RIGHT NOW! - Or you may land in 'My 600 Lb Life'Where stories live. Discover now