4. Why Overeating when Stressed is like Cutting Yourself?

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Sorry for a drastic comparison - but I just wanted to say that 'Those are the Unhealthy Ways of Dealing with Stress' - that don't solve the main Problem! - they just Cause New Problems instead!

Why? - Let me explain it on the Example:

Let's say that someone has Family Problems & starts cutting his arms because of them... - Does it Solve the Family Problems in Any Way?... - Of course NOT! - Such a person just has Scars & needs psychologist's  help to stop hurting himself. 

And if someone has Family Problems & starts stress eating... - Does this solve the Family Problems? - Also NOT!... - It will just make him super fat & not able to move after a Few Years! 

The same thing is with drinking too much alcohol, using drugs, hazard, shopping addiction - And ALL Kinds of Possible Addictions!... - Even if the person feels 'as if they helped them forget his or her problems' - it works just for a moment...

- The Main Problem stays Unsolved - & a New Problem Appears! 

( if someone drinks to 'escape his problems' - he becomes an alcoholic

if someone uses drugs for the same thing - he becomes a drug addict

if someone plays hazard games to 'relieve stress' - he usually loses a Lot of Money & has debts

If someone goes shopping to 'relieve stress' - at some point they buy too many unnecessary things, spending high amounts of money & also have debts they are not able to pay! )

*So what to do when You Are Stressed or have a Big Problem?

1. Don't hide your feelings & bad emotions...
 - people aren't Made of Stone! - So you Have the Right to feel all That - just Realize It & don't squeeze what you feel inside Yourself! - because hiding emotions can affect Your Health 

2. Find a healthy ( & harmless for yourself & others ) Way to Get Rid of Bad Emotions

- punch a pillow, exercise, run around your house - do Anything that works for you & helps you Set Your Bad Emotions Free ( - with no harm for yourself or anyone else.  < - So also don't start arguments out of the blue & don't yell at People who didn't do anything to You! > )

3. When the Emotions are Set Free & don't Overwhelm Your Mind Anymore...

- think if the Situation or a problem that made you feel bad Can Be Changed - or Can't be Changed...

( if it 'can't be changed' - because for example your close Relative died - & you can't do anything about that fact... - Talk about it to Someone You Trust < another Family Member - or a Close Friend who will listen to you & understand > because even the fact of saying your feelings out Helps you feel a bit Better :) )

4. if the Situation 'Can be Changed' ...

- think about the Solutions 'how to change it' - write them down & Choose the best One from Your List, then start acting to introduce the Change 

( if you can't find any solutions Yourself - ask Someone You Trust for Help - & find some Solutions Together )

5. Remember that Nobody's life is 'Troubleless'...

- so take every new problem as a Lesson that proves that 'You're Stronger than You Thought you were'! 

( Remember the previous Problems you managed to deal with & tell yourself 'I dealt with this.. this... & this... before - So I will manage to Solve the 'New Problem as Well'! )

6. Show Everyone that You Really Can Solve the Problem that can be changed

- with or without help ( - if You solve it Without Help - You have the Reason to be Proud of Yourself! 👍

- but Asking For Help is no disgrace - so Always ASK when you need help. & Someone will help you for Sure - just tell them what The Problem is )

7. Most of bad times END After Sometime - so Remember about it & DON'T GIVE UP! :)

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