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As I sat in the damp and dirty hotel room I ran my fingers through my already messy blonde hair out of the frustration of not being able to find my lighter. I searched every pocket on my black dress pants, I searched on the side of both my black boots. I even checked the pocket of my white dress shirt that was messily tucked into my pants and that held my maroon tie that was loosened as though I had come home from a long day of work which I really had.
After searching through the pockets I stood up and fixed the sleeves of my dress shirt so they were rolled up and I ran my hand down my face from my forehead to my brown eyes to my ever so slightly scruffy stubble on my chin and while doing so in a slight sigh of defeat I uttered "bullocks". I then looked over to the coat rack that stood in the corner of the room that held my cream colored trench coat. I stood up and walked over to it and searched the pockets, "there's my bloody lighter!" I exclaimed as I pulled it out of the left pocket of the trench coat. As flipped it
open I placed a cigarette in my mouth at lit it. With the cigarette hanging out of my mouth I stepped over to the counter and poured myself a glass of beer from the flask I had also grabbed out of my trench coat. I grabbed the glass and set the flask down on the counter and made my way over to the old and stained hotel chair and sat down while I placed my feet on the small wooden table in front of me. As I finally got comfortable I uttered in a hushed tone "it's a bloody good day to be John Constantine." As I said that I pulled the cigarette from my mouth and blew out a puff of smoke and took a sip of the beer that sat still in the glass. And as I did so I heard knocking at the door as well as a woman's a voice say "John? John Constantine?" The knocking then continued and I placed the cigarette back in my mouth and shouted "keep ya nickers on love I hear ya I'll be with you in a moment!" And after that silently uttering "ah bullocks what could she possibly want." I slowly made my way to the door and opened it To see a girl who was a bit shorter than me who had black hair and brown eyes and was wearing a leather jacket and a pair of ripped blue jeans. I looked for a moment and then said "I don't remember sleeping with you so I don't really know what you're bothering me for love." She didn't answer she just handed me one of my old business cards and an amulet. I started at the two items in awe for a few moments and then in pure shock I uttered "Liv?"

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