Part 4: The demon

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Chaz and Liv stood in silence for a moment and Liv finally broke the science by asking

"How are we going to banish this demon without the mask John?"

"That's the problem love, I don't have a bloody clue. It looks like I'm just going to have to try and use the banishing spell without weakening the demon first."

Neither Chaz nor Liv said anything after that. I just slipped on my trench coat and motioned for them to follow me up the spiral staircase. We reached the top and quickly made our way to the old taxi cab outside. I was just about to open the door when time began to freeze once again.

"Ah bullocks, come on manny. Why do you have to bother me now? I have work to do."

"I'm here to tell you not to confront that demon John. You're walking into a death trap."

"I know bloody well what I'm walking into mate, I can save a lot of lives if I just do what I have planned to do. So don't even try to talk me out of this."

"If you really have your mind made up then I can't help you, all I can say is your soul is still damned to hell and so is Astr-"

"Don't bloody say it mate, I know perfectly well that Astra is still in hell. That's part of the reason I'm doing what I've planned to do."

"John you can't seriously b-"


As soon as I said that time began to move at it's normal speed once again. I just stood there for a moment and I looked straight into the car with Chaz and Liz staring at me with a look of pure confusion, and at the same time I pulled a cigarette from one pocket and my lighter out of the other. I placed the cigarette in my mouth then lit it and under my breath I said

"This may be my last one.. Let's make it count."

I then opened the car door and slipped into the front seat without saying a word. I just gave the gesture to Chaz to start driving.
We drive for about twenty minutes before we reached the spot we believed the demon was hiding. It was an old and over grown grave yard, where half the graves were unreadable or just simply broken to the point where it was barley a grave anymore. We walked through the graveyard until we reached a small tomb. It was then that I turned around and spoke to both Liv and Chaz.

"No matter what happens next I need you to stay here, if you get too close you will ruin the spell. Do you understand me?"

Liv and Chaz looked at each other and then they both looked back at me and nodded with out saying a word. After they had agreed to stay put I walked out into the open and began to chant

"The demon that resides here, show yourself to me in your true form!"

After I had said that a large gust of wind blew through the graveyard and a demon appeared in front of me, it had taken it's true from. A human sized monster with sharp claws that could cut through steel and dragon type wings the size of an average human. The rest of the demon was a black silhouette.
As the demon appeared I began to chant once more.

"The demon that resides before me I command thee to posses my mind body and soul!"

After I finished the chant I felt a sharp pain go through my body and I began to scream out of pure anguish, but through the screams I was able to let out one last chant.

"The souls that I carry in my mortal body I demand to be cast down to the darkest depths of hell and be cast away from this earth!"

I finished that last chant and I burst into flames and I continued to scream as the flames grew higher and higher and the last thing I heard and saw before I was cast down to hell was Liv fall to her knees sobbing and begin to scream out.

"John no! Chaz please do something we can't just let this happen! John... I love you!"

As she finished her sentence the flames rose to the clouds and then suddenly dictated. Leaving no indication that anything had been there in the first place.
I woke up after what seemed to be a few hours feeling fine knowing that I had finally banished the demon and it had left my body as soon as we had reached hell. I looked around and everything looked the same as it did back of the surface but the only differences were that there was no moon just a red sun which made everything have a red tint to it. There were also flames burning in most if the dead trees and in patches on patches of the dead grass. It wasn't as gruesome as the stories would tell you but it still wasn't pleasant. I decided to check my pockets to see if I had my cigarettes and lighter which I didn't have to search long for because they were in the same spot they always were in my trench coat pockets. So I pulled out a cigarette and put the lighter back in my pocket. Then I took the cigarette and bent down and used one of the patches of flame to light my cigarette which I then proceeded to place in my mouth. Then I began to walk off and spoke in a hushed tone.

"Demons beware. John constantine is here, and I'm coming for Astra."


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