Chapter 1 - When A Spell Goes Wrong

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Bonnie and Caroline were going to try to go back in time to their old bodies, they need to change the course of events, Rebekah killed Elena a month ago and Damon's on a war path right now.

As Bonnie and Caroline set up the ritual, they don't realize that Klaus and Kol are watching them carefully from a distance, Klaus wanting to go back and make sure his doppelgänger doesn't die and perhaps to woo Caroline better, he definitely fancies her.

Kol, well Kol just wants to have a good time and he sure does loves witches. The Bennett witch is pretty powerful and more then attractive enough for his interest in her, her beautiful dark skin, her lovely eyes, oh yeah, he's definitely into her.

As they get the ritual prepared the girls go and stand together and hold hands, their heads are bowed as Bonnie begins chanting.

During the chant both Kol and Klaus realize that she's mixed up some of the words and rush over to stop it, Kol's hand is around her arm loosely just as Klaus' arm wraps around Caroline's.

"Bonnie" Kol snaps, her eyes open wide and look up at him in surprise, her eyes defiant but fearful at the sight of him "You're messing up the damn spell witch."

That's when there was a spark of Light from the circle, exploding around them in a brightly lit light, engulfing them, the girls close their eyes while Kol and a Klaus sigh in annoyance.

They wish they knew how far back that witch was accidently sending them and where they'll end up, however, they do not.
France -Outside The Castle
3rd POV

The whole castle shook and a bright light appeared in the sky causing many to flee from the sight.

If they had stayed then perhaps they would have seen two men emigre holding a young woman in each of their arms. One is holding a chocolate skinned beauty and the other is holding a beauty of porcelain skin.

As both men look around the area with narrowed eyes, taking in the beautiful and not old French castle hold back a sigh.

"Oh brilliant job little witch." Kol mutters as he sees guards rushing their way.

"It seems we will all have to get dressed appropriately brother." Klaus says with a hum.

"So it seems," he says as use vampire speed to disappear from sight.

When they're finally a safe distance away Kol says quickly "The little witch will be seen as my wife here."

Klaus pauses and looks at Kol amused "To torment her brother?l

Kol shrugs, he doesn't need to answer that. 

"Then Caroline shall be my wife as well. I'm sure they'll be angry." Klaus says with a chuckle.

"Yes, it will be quite interesting won't it?" Kol muses with a smirk at his big brother who smirks back.

As they continued their journey they make their way to a tailor to work on dresses for the young women and clothes for themselves, though they much prefer the comfortable clothes back in current times they expect their women to look quite stunning.

At the time they need to use compulsion and perhaps they'll stay at the French castle?

It was hours later when Bonnie and Caroline started to come to.

"Ouch, my head" Caroline mutters as Bonnie groans in pain. "Bonnie, are you okay?"

"Brilliant, I just have a splitting headache and I need aspren. Did it work?" Bonnie asks while keeping her eyes closed as Caroline looks around the room their in.

"I don't think so" Caroline mutters "how far back did you send us?" She asks worriedly as she peaks out of a window from the room.

"1557 to be exact love." Klaus says as he walks in with Kol behind him. "Me and my brother shall be appearing as Henry's dead elder brothers Children. You are our wives. Caroline is mine and you Little Witch are Kol's. Keep in mind that during this time Henry the second is quite against witchcraft and heretics and will have no problem removing your pretty little heads."

"Quite right." Kol says with a smirk at Bonnie who's face turns into one of disgust "and very pretty heads they are"

Klaus tosses Caroline a extremely fancy dress as Kol tosses one just as fancy to Bonnie, "put them on Wife" Kol says "I'll even help"

Klaus rolls his eyes at his brother, that's not how you try to woo the girl your smitten with. "Allow me to help you love, these are quite tricky."

Caroline swallows nervously but nods as he helps her "don't worry love, I won't peak, I may be many things but I am a gentleman."

"I'm sure." Caroline mutters a bit nervously, this is completely out of her element, how is she supposed to act here?

"Now now little witch" Kol mutters as he looks her over "how about I help you get ready hm?"

Bonnie shakes her head and holds her head high stubbornly "I will get myself dressed."

"I insist on offering my help" Kol says with a smirk on his face "you're going to need my help Darling, without it I imagine you may just put it on backwards. The dresses are much more complicated the ones in the 1800s and I have much practice taking these off, putting them on will be quite simple."

Bonnie bites her lip nervously and looks at the ground, she swallows harshly, he makes her so nervous.

Kol walks towards her slowly, almost like stalking a prey and perhaps in a way he was "Come now Witch, I won't bite unless asked." He puts his hand on top of her head and ruffles it as she smacks his hand away from her.

"Don't touch me." Bonnie snaps defensively.

Kol tisks at her and leans close to her causing her to freeze in surprise as he breath fans her ear "now, now Bonnie, you're supposed to be my wife here, you're going to have to get used to some of my touching. Now let me help you get dressed My Little Witch."

"Alright" Bonnie mumbles shyly, god why couldn't she have ended up where she wanted them to? What did she do wrong?

"There you go love. Can you breathe alright?" Klaus asks Caroline as he finishes up on getting her into her dress.

Caroline swallows harshly and nods "Yes, thank you. But I still don't trust you."

Klaus chuckles and shrugs amused at her before he looks at her seriously "I don't expect you to, but you will both need us to survive here, women without protection form anyone during this time are preyed upon often and not only by human men, but by vampires as well."

"You shall be staying by my side Witch." Kol mumbles as he finishes up helping her. "It wouldn't end well for you darling if you took off during this time. Women are seen as a commodity and you're opinions will be undermined, you're safest with us for now."

"I will get us back" Bonnie says stubbornly with a raise of her chin defiantly, which causes Kol to smirk at her almost mockingly as he grabs her chin and looks at her sternly.

"Perhaps, but you had screwed up your spell and got us into this mess in the first place did you not?" Causing Bonnie to narrow her eyes at him "so for now you will both need our protection. Deal with it you stubborn thing." He releases her chin and goes towards his brother.

"When will our carriage arrive for the castle?" Kol asks Klaus curiously as they watch their interests.

"Tonight, in about two hours." Klaus says with a frown as he worries they're not prepared enough, right now they should be around England so they should, hopefully go unnoticed.

Wouldn't want the world to know that two of the originals are back in time now would they?


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