Chapter 3 - The Castle

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3rd POV

"Ugh, the blood here tastes different." Caroline mutters irritably as she pulls away from the villager and looks them in the eye. "Go home and clean yourself up. You don't remember anything, you never met us."

After Klaus compels his blood bag to go away he turns back to Caroline, still dressed beautifully without a speck of blood upon her body. "Well love, that's because in this time the diets of the people are a bit different."

"Not to mention they obviously don't shower very often. Eww." She mutters in disgust as she licks the blood from her lips.

Klaus chuckles in amusement as he watches her. "They certainly don't shower as often love. But that was the life style, they don't exactly have showers. Now you get to live it."

"Yeah, I'm just thrilled." Caroline says bitterly as he quickly moves to stand in front of her, she tilts her head just slightly to look at him.

He hums a little, a small smirk on his face as he shakes his head. "I'm sure that you will enjoy your time spent here. I will make sure of it."

When he grabs her hand, pulling her close as she gasps, he vampire speeds them back up to the castle. Once they reach their shared room Klaus leans in and kisses her, his lips pressed snuggly against her causing her heat to rise in her sex. Pulling away quickly she puts a hand over her mouth and shakes her head mortified.

"Oh my god." Caroline mutters horrified as she backs away while speaking in a whisper, her voice so quiet that if he wasn't right beside her then he wouldn't hear her words. "I — I have a boyfriend Klaus — I."

"Yes, that wolf. He doesn't deserve you, you know that don't you my sweet Caroline?" He whispers into her ear as his hand moves to cup the nape of her neck while his other hand gently touches her hair. "How many times has that boy let you down now love?"

"I— no, no, I can't" she mumbles to herself as he begins to kiss her neck softly, she holds back a moan and pulls away from him completely, much to his disappointment. "Lets just, lets just go to sleep okay? Stay on your side of the bed. Don't touch me."

His blue eyes stay on her for awhile but he respects her wishes, putting his hands up in defeat. "Of course, love."


When Klaus, Caroline and Kol had left during the night for blood. Bonnie was unable to go to sleep because of worry. After Kol got back from his little snack hunting excursion Kol insisted to hold her against him. One of his strong arms was wound under her neck and draped across her shoulder while the other is wrapped snugly against her waist holding her close.

She was flush against his chest causing her to hold back a blush. Not that he would notice it, but with him being a vampire she wonders if he would feel the warmth of the blood rushing to her cheeks?

Initially Bonnie had stiffened at the contact, aside from Jeremy she is not used to this type of intimacy. While she knows that it's all an act (just so they don't get caught up in a lie) it feels odd to her and way too intimate. It doesn't help matters that she holds absolutely no trust in him but finds him to be insanely attractive.

But, not having to pretend to be a slave or a servant because of her skin color makes her slightly more at ease. Luckily there weren't slaves in France until the early 1600's. They could have chosen to do so. But then, it's probably just because of her usefulness that they want her around at all.

Kol however allowed himself the chance to savor the sweet smell that comes off of her as he holds her near to his body. His member twitches at her close proximity, it may have been too long since his last dalliance with a pretty lass. Perhaps he will have to remedy that.

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