Chapter 4 - Parties

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3rd POV

When Bonnie wakes up beside someone's warm hard body she knows for a fact that it's Kol, which confuses her. Hadn't she slept beside Caroline the night before? As she tries to slip out of the bed his arm snakes out and wraps around her waist quickly, pulling her back against him as he places his face against her neck, inhaling her delicious scent. It makes his mouth water.

"Kol." Bonnie whispers lowly as she tries to pull away from him a little only for his hold to tighten around her.

"Hmmm?" He hums against her as she calms herself down and sighs, noticing how he's still fast asleep.

God damn, he is certainly a cuddler though she thinks as he snuggles against her. With a sigh she closes her eyes and lets the warmth of his body take her in. It felt disturbingly safe, it shouldn't feel safe at all and she doesn't understand why it would feel that way now. Perhaps because of the whole 'helping them out' thing.


Caroline finds herself snuggled against Niklaus' chest. She blinks in surprise and lets out a small sigh. In reality it could be worse and it's not like Tyler hasn't been gone for months. But she shouldn't, Klaus is supposed to be there enemy, he's the one that changed Tyler into a hybrid in the first place. She knows that he's already awake even if he's not saying so. Pulling herself from his embrace she stands up and walks towards the fabrics of clothing that she must choose from for the day.


After leaving their chambers they found out that there was some kind of 'Queen of the bean' type thing going on. "So, is that is.. normal then?" Caroline asks in confusion as she glances towards Queen Mary.

Mary shrugs her shoulders, her mouth drawn into a line of disgust before she shakes her head while watching Francis' mother doing her best to ignore Henry's 'bean Queen'. "It would appear so."

Bonnie frowns as she watches the king practically ignore everyone else as Mary and Francis are then handed another present from their wedding that occurred before their arrival. 

With a roll of her eyes at the display of her husband Catherine walks towards her supposed nephews wives. Standing beside them she glances towards Mary and back towards the horrid display that her husband is putting on.

"I'm going to have a party tonight." Mary says simply without glancing at Catherine. "I will be inviting my subjects."

Catherine lets out a heavy sigh and glances towards her. "Of course. But we still need to have a party to welcome our new found... family."

"It's alright." Caroline says speaking up while feeling unsure of herself. "We're fine with just helping out around here.. aren't we Bonnie?"

Glancing towards the blonde Bonnie nods her head and speaks up. "Yes, a party in our honor is wholly unnecessary. Although we do appreciate the gesture."

The Queen of France narrows her eyes at them and then turns away before walking off. As Mary glances back at them her eyes catch her husbands. "I'm going to dance with my husband now."

After she walks off they see Kol and Klaus sitting with grins on their faces as they watch the people dancing. "I forgot how much fun the Scottish were." Niklaus says as he watches them.

Kol snorts in amusement as he glances around and his eyes settle on their women who are now dancing with the Scottish, laughter is heard from across the room. "Yes, but they sure do know how to have a good time don't they?"

"Perhaps I shouldn't be jealous." Niklaus remarks lightly as he smirks at his brother whose face has become stony. "Nor should you be."

"But we are." Kol replies back just as lightly as he glances towards his brother and then back at Bonnie.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2021 ⏰

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