Nick and robo Soviet drabbles

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Drabbles that I want to write about for the unofficial pair but aren't in line with the story. Honestly just to get my creative smutty juices flowing again lmao.

Nick. 26
Soviet. Unknown

Nick cursed at soviet in a mix of English and broken french, glaring at him as he approached. A heavy wrench was in hand, and the Canadian angrily waved it at the large bot sitting on his work bench.

"What were you thinking!? I told you not to move, and you not only went outside, but managed to damaged yourself again!" He scowled, stepping closer to Soviet, getting up close and personal.

"How many times have I told you, not to fucking do that."

"...alot." Soviet spoke softly, audial fins on the sides of his head lowering slightly. He mimicked a sigh, something Nick did often, as yellow eyelights focused on Nick. He hated having to fallow these rules, but- Nick had helped him and continued to help him, even though he seemingly dispised him.
He was yelling at him. Almost allways, scolding him on what he was doing wrong.

Nick sighed, pinching the bridge if his noes between two fingers. His sholders slumped, loosing some of the steam he had. Soviet looked like a damn puppy. It was hard to yell at the old communist when he looked at him like that. He rested his hand on Soviets mettle leg, his other hand putting the wrench down on the table.
"Comon soviet, let's get you patched up."


Nick let out a small chuckle, stairing down at Soviet. Dark currly hair hung down infront of his forhead, some of it in a small ponytail tied in the back. He was sat on top of soviet, strataling his hips.
"Good morning soviet." He purred, leaning down slightly, coming face to face with the robot under him.

Soviet let out a low hum, pressure systems waking him up out of power down. Yellow lights hummed to life as he focused on just was above him.
".. Nick?" He had very human reaction to things, Nick helping tweek his programing so he could experience the same things he could, and he didn't know is he regretted it or not.
Heating systems and cooling systems works simultaneously, spreading twards his head and intimacy plates.
His chest sagged slightly as he let out a ventfull of heated air, smiling up at his human.
"Hello Nick, Good morning to you too."
He raised a hand, placing it apon Nick's hip to make sure he wouldn't fall.

Nicks smile widened, his face heating up as he felt soviet warm under him. He knew what that meant, he had rewritten Soviets programing himself per the bots request. He tried not to focus on that though, leaning down and pressing a kiss between soviets eyes.
"Is the programing working well?" He asked, cupping soviets cheek with one hand. He made sure not to put his fingers where they would get cought between the mettle. He's done that before, it dosent feel good.

Soviet nodded, smiling up at Nick.


[Bumpy ride]
[Neffex- light it up]
[Sexy back]

Nicks music pumped loudly in his ears, studio headphones keeping the sound to himself so his new roommate could do as he pleased in peace. He nodded his head to the music, mouthing along with the words silently.
He was taking a break from his mettle work, messing around with some crafting wire, not really paying attention to anything else.
Nick set the wire down, a small figure made from it, letting out a small sigh.
He leaned back in his chair, closing his eyes as he listened to the next song that played. One of his favorites actually.
He felt like dancing to this one. He stood up, carful of the cord that connected his headphones to his phone in his front pocket.
A small smile crossed his face as he stood up from his chair, glancing around to make sure no one else was In The room before starting to swing to the music. At first he just moved his hips side to side, but slowly got into it.
Closing his eyes and getting into it, he he let himself let loose a bit, having fun with it. He knew he looked stupid, but he couldn't bring himself to care at the moment. He didn't actually know how to dance, but damn he could move his hips to a beat.

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