Could you do me a favour?

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              She didn't know why she let her friend talk her into this. The blaring lights, the gaudy sights and the host that never stopped shouting. She knew that her friend had been looking out for her, when she was constantly say that "Honey, if you use those looks you can go far." However, she had never taken her friend up on this offer. That was until last Sunday, two years after the fact, where she was a single woman at age 21 who hadn't gone drinking since Secondary School. Her friend had breezed in, took a calculated look at the pristine apartment with only a single personal photo on the wall and said that she needed a favour.

Christine's bachelor apartment was on the 17th floor of yet another high rise block, courtesy of the new law forcing developers to build affordable housing. It was spacious before she had moved her mini double bed and standard couch into it, let alone the few other bits of furniture. At this point, she cut down on all of her possessions with the excuse that she was now an adult. This left her three room apartment looking cosy but not crammed; however, if there was to be another person in her space it didn't feel as comfortable. This rule did not apply to Juliette.

Juliette was the energy of any room, regardless of who was in it. Due to this, she had quickly risen in the production profession, and at 35 years old she had a decent salary and commanded the respect of many. Juliette was not as tidy as her much younger friend, nor was she as solitary, but there was a shared kinship that tied them together that was stronger than years spent on the earth. Christine had needed a sponsor to raise her from the fact, and Juliette had needed a distraction from hers. The two had been close ever since.

Christine had listened to Juliette's proposal, and had started to object when her friend started to beg slightly. This was not a usual sight, and it was out of place in the tidy flat. Christine agreed, if only to help her dearest friend. Juliette was happy, but more reserved than Christine expected. She would need to be on one of Juliette's shows, because a woman had dropped out. A common problem, Juliette had explained; the stage fright, the bright lights and the script that kept changing.

So now here she was, sitting in a stiff, gaudy pink leather chair with black plastic, sitting next to a loud host who kept shouting. It was unrealistic, disbelieve able and totally planned. The sort of thing she laughed at before, cushioned by raucous laughter. A "dating show" they called it, where more emphasis was on the show part then the dating, as it was as real as Photoshop. She wore a plastered grin as she asked questions of four guys who were the other side of the panel, and they all took it in turns to speak. She was always frustrated that the host would talk between the answers and talk over the fourth man, but that was to be expected; they never wanted him to win. She wondered why they all forgot about him.

Christine had always been popular at school. Her looks took her far, her jokes even further and she was never one to wait for dates. She had been the envy of many of her friends, especially when she kept turning down many men. Her friends, however, loved going to her house for sleepovers. Christine always had the coolest room, full of items her friends did not know came from a charity shop. She never felt enclosed in that small room with all of her friends, even though there was not much room. That room had been the site for many adventurers, and some her parents would never approve of.

The host was irritating, but Christine never let it show. She knew better. After the adverts on the "live" show, she would be able to spend "time" with the guys on "dates", which were just as scripted as the questions. Guy 1 brought her on a picnic, and had found a reason to take off his shirt. Guy 2 had brought her to go bowling, and was taking it far too seriously. Guy 3 brought her to a show, and seemed more interested in the activity. Guy 4 was pushed aside before he could take her, but he found her when she was alone in the break room. Christine couldn't believe that she knew one of the guys, and even more he was from her old school. He was shorter than the other three, and was not muscled in any way. She found herself blushing speaking to him, but he had a sad look in his eyes. He said that he did not blame her for her choosing the other men, as they were better than he was. She was confused, but he did not explain before he left.

Anthony was not a popular kid by any means, but he had heart. Mercilessly bullied, he pulled away from everyone. He turned up, did the work and went home. He had no friends, and no social life. He knew things people never expected him to, and he loved to sit by the old oak tree on the hill. He would feed the squirrels and draw the sunsets. His parents knew where he would be and never complained about how late their son came home in the evenings. Anthony had a plan, a plan for his life, and nothing would get in the way of this. He made a necklace to create his promise to his plan, which he always swore to wear to the end of the plan.

The warning lights started to flash, prompting the cast to move back onto the faux leather seats designed to withstand being filmed and not much else. Another round of questions went by, and Christine just wanted to speak to Anthony more. She could not believe how he had turned out, after all this time. While the other three men posed and prevaricated, Anthony smiled sweetly and answered her questions softly. More than once, Christine had noticed the Host glance at her chest which only added fuel to her fire against him. Once more the light flashed, and Juliette walked over the linoleum floor to her younger friend. She took her hand and brought her into a separate room to check that she was alright. Christine smiled and said thankyou to her friend, as she thought that one of the guys was amazing. Juliette, to her credit, managed to hide most of the confusion, however there was too much to hide so she changed subject.

The set was cleared faster than was thought imaginable. Another production needed the space, so the recording was put on hold until tomorrow. The three approved men sauntered out with the Host. Christine was left collecting her purse as Anthony walked over. He asked if he could be so bold as to bring her on the date he had planned for them, and Christine agreed. He brought her by the hand and they drove through the countryside to the hill that overlooked their old school. Christine pondered why he would bring her back there, knowing their history, but Anthony smiled and grabbed a bag of nuts.

The sun was setting as Christine lay with her head on Anthony's lap. The squirrels they had fed were now off home with their families, much like the humans who had been at work. Anthony listened to Christine talk of time gone by, and laughed of her description of the show they had been dragged into. It was like how Christine had remembered and dreamed about. Their connection was as strong as ever. Anthony never corrected a story or interrupted, however, when he did speak he asked her if he could give her a present. Christine sat up to see he had a necklace for her, much the same as the necklace he still bore, and asked her to intertwine her life plan with his.

Their afternoon was perfect with the tree gaining a new tattoo from lovers, their lips pressing often and when Christine climbed the tree she could see what was left of an old piece of rope that had been tied to the tree for some two years. It was here that Anthony presented her with her own life necklace, its beautiful braid lovingly plaited. He smiled as she took it, and when she finally put it on, she felt the weight lifted from her feet and the air pulled from her lungs as she experienced pure happiness in her lover's arms.

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