Chapter Four: Confessions

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Hey, Nicole can you sit beside me? He asked, Yeah sure why not. Are you busy this evening he asked, no I'm not busy why did you asked? Can I take you to dinner if you don't mind? He asked, Yeah of course I would love to have dinner with you, I replied. So I'll pick you up about 7:30, Oh okay I'll wait for you.

At exactly 7:30 Mark arrive and waited for me “Nicole dear Mark is here”, my mom shouted “I'm almost done I'll be down before you know it I replied”. “Mom is my dress okay” , I asked “Yes you look stunning and gorgeous with your dress she replied” ,  Thanks mom.

Mark drove downtown for a couple of hours, after we arrive at a fancy restaurant. We went to the receptionist and asked a table that has been reserved for us inside after we asked, the receptionist brought us to our table and gave us the menu and after she leave.

The waiter arrive and start to jot down our order in the order slip, Mark chose roasted chicken for two, two served of scallops one bottle of your finest champagne and a burger for two with a french fries for the siding. I chose their finest lamb chops, scallops with lettuce,  two mango shake and fried ham for two. “Is that all sir” the waiter asked, “Yes that's all thank you” Mark replied. the waiter left and goes to the counter to put our order.

“Nicole when will you be celebrating your 18th birthday”, Mark asked “I will be celebrating my 18 birthday this coming January 12” I replied joyfully. “Oh so this coming monday am I right” He said, “Yes this coming monday I totally forgot” I replied with a smile on my face. “It's okay and also I sometimes forgot important things too” He replied.

Afer the waiter has arrive and was bringing our dinner,  roasted chicken for two , two serve of scallops and one bottle of our finest champagne and burger for two with the siding of french fries, For the young lady our finest lamb chops ,scallops with lettuce, two serve of our mango shake and fried ham for two. After the waiter brought our dinner he left.

“What are we waiting for  let's eat” Mark suggested, “Sure  let's eat our dinner before it turns cold ” I replied. We ate our dinner together. Mark opened the bottle of champagne and pour some into my glass, When I started to drink it was very delicious and not so alcoholic and strong.

After some couple of hours we're able to finish our dinner after we talk, “Nicole I habe something to tell you” he shared, “What is it” I asked “Have you tried to have a boyfriend” he asked “No not yet why did you ask” I replied. “Oh really you I thought you already try” He added “But I'm open if someone ask me to be his girlfriend” I replied. “Are you sure Nicole” He added “Yes I'm always open for somebody” I replied.

After couple of hours talking.........

“It's getting late let's go home” He suggested, “Sure let's go home” I added. Some couple of hours later we arrive he drove me home so When I got out from his car “Goodnight Nicole I'll message you on your phone something surprising” He said ,“Oh Okay I'll be waiting” I replied.

When I open the gate he kiss me on my cheeks and once again said “Goodnight”. When he left my cheeks flushed red and I was shock he kiss me on my cheeks and my spirit was enlightened when he kiss me I felt happy.

When I opened the door of my bedroom I immediately jump on my bedroom and tried to get some rest but I'm unable to sleep because what happen awhile ago I turn sideways just to forget what happene but I can't I think I'm inlove with I said to myself joyfully.

After some couple of minutes.........

My Phone vibrated, when I look at my phone it was mark saying “Did you enjoy our dinner” he asked, “Yes I had fun” I replied. “Good to hear that I hope I could take you again to dinner” he added “Of course anytime” I replied...

After couple of minutes.....

He text me a wonderful and sweet message “I wish you could be part of my world and I can be part of your world I have a crush on you since the day we met I know it sounds weird but will you be my Girlfriend” He asked “Yes I could be your girlfriend” I replied

“So were officially lovers” he added “Yes its officialy were lovers now” I replied “Yes thank you Love You” he added “Love you too” I replied

after some couple of hours.....

Nicole Take some rest now I know you tired and never forget I'm always here rigth beside you I Love You Babe, Goodnight take some rest now and tomorrow is a new day for us as a lover.

“Yes you too take some rest I love you too babe” I replied and I was glad that we are lovers now I hope we can be forever goodnight to myself....

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2016 ⏰

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