(13): At The Bridge's End Danger

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Your creativity is highlighted in writing stories.
That is my motto as an aspiring writer and author.

(Disclaimer from me:

Any media that I am using here in my profile or in my stories are completely not mine. Credits to all of the rightful owners. The portrayers that I use for my characters does not relate to their real lives. I use them for means of visualisation for the readers to be. No sponsorship.

Any similarity or similarities to other stories, for example characters or happenings, fiction or non-fiction is purely coincidental and nothing is intended. I don't have a updating routine and I may have some grammar mistakes sometimes so please bare with me.

I ask all the readers to be to kindly not spoiler any chapter or any scene on the comment section. I also don't tolerate bad language or foul words here. If so, a reader or readers would get muted by me.

I proofread a story published here once I have finished here. Hope you enjoy my story and have a nice day! 💖😊

-Irene Meadows (SinceReal-lyCreative)


I arrived at a cottage like house. Who would tell the carpenters to build a house like this in the middle of a city? She is more weird then what Vincent told me.

I got out of my car and tied my sash around my shoulders for deceny. Guards were outside waiting for me and they all bowed down as respect. "You must be"... the woman who might be my enemy started. I looked at her and she looks like in her mid-forties. "Violet Rosie", I told her and bowed down as a sign of respect to her.

She bowed to and said: "I am Alexia Evans. What brings you here?" she asked with the hint of arrogance in her voice. She is really up to no good.
I shove off the fear and said: "To be a business partner of yours", she then laughed.

"You are just like my daughter. Thinking she knows more than her mother", you are not my mother so do not relate me to your daughter. "I am serious, madam. I am smarter than you think. I will go if I do not meet your expectations. But I have been a business student before. I have not just brought my requirements because I am smart", I said nervously. I should have communicated with the communications department in my agency.

I literally do not know what I am saying right now. I am catching myself again and again for ideas. But what results are not good ideas. She then just let me pass with her guards and smiled: "Okay Violet. Let us talk about the brewed coffee business", well that is a relief. I can handle this mission without any problems.

I am not going to be poisoned like what he worries. You do not care for me so I will not to. I am just being an agent as training so I can protect my

I do not have the crush towards you anymore or the trust. I don't know any Vincent Fujisaki or Oliver Wellington anymore.

First Story: The Sly One (Final Title) Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora