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I'm invisible to them, 

How can they not see what I go through everyday?

I'm invisible to my family

How can they see me and act like everything's going to be okay?

I'm invisible to the world, 

How can it continue to destroy me with every passing second?

I'm invisible to my friends, 

How can they not see the fragile girl hurting within me?

I'm invisible to every human being, 

How can they walk by and smile at ease?

I'm invisible to the authorities, 

How can they sit back and ignore my pleas? 

I'm invisible to my local Parish, 

How can they be at peace and rely on God when I'm here crying myself to sleep?

I'm invisible to everyone,

How can they carry on with their lives knowing that there are people out there who won't even risk making a peep?

But most importantly I'm invisible to you, 

How can you live with yourself knowing that you fed me lie after lie? 

I know you regret it, you can't even look me in the eye. 

How can you look at your self in the mirror without being digusted with what you've become? 

I want to be devoid of all emotions, completely numb. 

I want to forget about you like you forgot about me, 

Leaving behind all the memories, just set them free. 

Your invisible to me too, it's been said and done, 

That's it, are you happy now? You've just won.  

A Series Of PoemsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora