Love me or Love me not

31 11 3

You stare into my eyes promising me a better life,

Yet you turn around and stab me with a knife.  

You held me tight in the midst of the night, 

whispering to me that it will be alright.

We spent years together basking in our so-called "Love", 

When I caught you with another woman that you tried to shove. 

All those years were just a waste of time, 

They weren't even worth a dime. 

What a fool I was to think that you would always be mine, 

I was love struck, floating on cloud nine. 

You came running after me begging for my forgiveness, 

My heart was breaking, my legs were shaking... it was something I never wanted to witness. 

You broke me in ways that were beyond repair, 

The worst part was when you said that you 'Love me' it sounded as if you didn't care. 

I cried my eyes out from dawn to dusk, 

You called me non-stop but I didn't answer and all my replies to your text messages were brusque. 

I didn't want to talk to you or hear from you again, 

All you did was make me abstain. 

Through this heart break a lesson was taught, 

'You either love me or love me not.'

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