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Ari pov

Its been Threee weeks Three damn weeks Since Josh Said something too me Idk what I did But he is perfectly Fine around Ant and the others he just ignores my whole Presence when aim around. Other than that my room is done Its looks so pretty😋

"Hey yall" I said speaking to everyone Including him He just looked at me the back at him phone I walked into my room

I just got Off work its 11:45 im not tired though Im prolly finna just get on Ft with aaron He a Boy I met at work he aint as hood As most but He A cool guy We started talking a week ago

I got and in the shower and Turned my Led lights to red and started watching Naruto While On FaceTime With aaron whom is sleep

My door opened and In came Josh

"Hang up"

"What no get out my room josh" I said putting the phone on mute so Aaron couldn't hear Him

He just walked up and Snatched my phone

"Gimme my phone Back" i yelled

"Shutup Arianna, ayee dude wake up" he said mugging me taking the phone off mute

"Who dis" aaron said

" Hezo nigga aaron What you doing on my lady phone After I told you Not to Even Make conversation with her" He said mad asf

"I-i Sh- Hezo bro Im so-"

"Shut dat Shit up when I see you its up dea delete ha number ouucho phone" He said then hanging up

I just looked at him and he slung My phone to the wall

"Why would do that You dont fucking own Me Hezo Just leave me alone damn You so fucking Annoying I hate you" I yelled

"Tighten Up Arianna Now you know who the fuck Not to play wit nomore" he said walking out slamming my door

I just cried Because This boy just gone waltz In here And tell me who I can and cant talk to ughhhh And then he broke my phone He better bUy me another one

The Next morning

I woke up late for school it was a Monday at that and I had to work my whole Day was just shitty I i could Ask Ant to buy me a new one But My next day off is the weekend Either I skip school today and Go get me one Or I wait til Saturday. I put on something simple Just a Fitted Dress and my Lv Sandals

Ima Just Get in my bag and wait til Saturday

"What you still doing hea" Ant said coming out his room with some girl

"Didnt Here my alarm but Im finna Slide now" I said grabbing my purse About to walk out

When I opened the door Josh Was coming in I rolled my eyes tryna Avoid Bumping or touching him

He spoke to Ant and Pulled my outside

"Lemme go Hezo" I said Snatching my arm but Only caused him to grip tighter

"Shut yoo ass up and come On" he said dragging me to his Car

"Omg Josh Stop treating me Like a child" I said Pushing him

"Arianna Ian Gone tell you to stop Trying me No moe I put that omm"

Mchtt I was just tryna Go to school and And then work Man

"Fix yoo fucking Face and get out" he said mugging me

"Dont Tell me what to do Im not yoo fucking child" I mumbled Getting out the car making sure to slam the door

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