Chapter 9: The job of a Highschool Host (Part 2)

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(There is going to be a song in this chapter. I’ll put the youtube video above and I’ll also put the link. It's also on Spotify if you search it up. Please note that this song as well as Ouran High School Host Club do not belong to me. I only own Mariko and some of the plot.) 

///3rd POV\\\

Walking into Ouran the next day was quite exciting for Mitsukuni. He had sat up for at least an hour the night before, trying to guess and figure out what the surprise is, even texting Kyoya for clues! Apparently not even the all-knowing Shadow King knew what the flamboyant president had thought up. With Mitsukuni’s curious and impatient nature, he was hardly able to focus in class the whole morning. By the time it was time for lunch, the small boy had leaped out of his chair, gathered his things, and dashed out of the room, not even waiting for his loyal cousin. 

Takashi, however, was getting quite exhausted just by having Mitsukuni ask him if he knew what Tamaki had for them. He had told the blonde multiple times that if he knew anything he would have mentioned it, but Mitsukuni paid no attention. Silently, the calm man collected his things and left the room, stopping shortly to turn around and offer those who were still in the classroom a small smile. 

Walking to the club room, Takashi runs into Kyoya, who was also heading to the clubroom to deal with some finances. They decided to walk together, which was quite an unusual sight to see. The two could hear young ladies squealing at the sight as they walked to lunch. Used to this behavior, the young men continued on their way to Music Room 3, paying no mind to the gaggle of girls casually peeking around the corner to get a glimpse at the Host Club members. Once they reach their destination, they see their blonde companions chatting in the corner, casually. 

It seemed as though the smaller male was begging his kouhai for hints as to what he had been bragging about before. The younger of the two had crossed his arms with a smug smile, teasing his senpai. Finally noticing they’re friends had entered the room, the flamboyant duo proposed they all eat lunch together. Shaking their heads, the responsible men declined. When the blondes questioned why not, Kyoya answered with a simple, “We still need to go to the cafeteria to buy our lunches, and Tamaki and I just left without telling Mariko anything. It’s not quite a good idea to leave her alone.” 

Tamaki’s eyes widened at his friend’s statement, “Ah! Shoot! We need to find Mariko!” Mitsukuni looks at them with a mixture of emotion in his eyes. Concern, confusion, and a slight amount of anger flashed across his features as he spoke. “What do you mean? Why is it a bad idea?” The group gathered the small amount of items they brought and began walking out the door. Shutting the door, Kyoya answers the previous question, “You’ll see when we get there, but I’m not sure you’ll like it.” 

The group of four had been walking for about five minutes before they all see a large group of boys, gathered around something in the hallway. Tamaki lifts a hand and points. “In there! But there’s too many! Senpai, you’re the smallest here, you have to go get her. She’s probably freaking out.” Nodding, Mitsukuni weaves his way through the crowd, easily finding the source of interest. He noticed Mariko in the center of the group, clutching her books tightly against her chest, curling in on herself in obvious discomfort. “Mariko!” The small girl looks up at the familiar voice, eyes widening in relief. She makes eye contact with the blonde in front of her, enabling him to see the fear in her eyes.

Staring at the girl in front of him, he feels anger begin bubbling up in his chest upon seeing the vulnerable look she gives him. Instead of snapping at the people around them, however, he rushes forward and pulls her towards him, grasping her towards his chest. He can feel the tense girl relax in his embrace, causing a smile to grace his features. Upon the sudden arrival of the martial artist, the group of men go quiet, confused on why the small male was hugging Mariko. Mitsukuni pulls away just enough to look in her eyes. “Are you okay? Did any of them do something to you?”

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