It's all too much for me

13 1 1

Michael's POV

When I wake up my arms are loosely wrapped around Carly's body. I sit up and she turns and faces me. 

"About time you woke up." She says with a smile. I smile too and then I plant a soft kiss on her lips. 

"I need to go wake up Jaxson." I say as I start to get up. 

"Wait." Carly says as she pulls me back down. "Why don't we just stay in bed for a little while longer. Let Jaxson sleep so we can cuddle."

"I really wish we could, but I have a long day." 

"Ugh fine, but you seriously owe me." I lightly laugh and I kiss her again. I stand up and start getting dressed. I open the door and see a tired looking Luke walk out of his room. I quickly shut the door and Luke starts laughing. 

"Dude, you kept everyone up last night with whoever you were having sex with."


"Who the hell were you fucking last night?" Calum says as he turns the corner. 

"Did you all hear it?"

"Yep, loud and clear." Luke says while laughing. 

"I-" Just then my door opens and Carly comes out. 

"Holy shit! Wait you two are the two that kept the whole house up?" Luke says with a laugh.

"I mean, can you blame us? It's been five years since we-"

"Okay, okay, enough of this conversation. I am going to go get Jaxson up and we'll eat breakfast. How does that sound?" I say, cutting off Carly. 

"Depends on what you're hungry for." Calum says and him and Luke start cracking up. I roll my eyes and make my way to Jaxson's room. I open the door and see that he's still sound asleep holding his stuffed animal. 

I sit down on the edge of his bed and start shaking him awake. I see his hazel eyes slowly open and he brings his hands up to rub his eyes. 

"Morning bud. Let's go downstairs and eat some breakfast." He nods his head and I stand up. He gets up as well and we walk down the stairs together. 

"Mommy!" He yells as soon as he sees Carly. He runs up to her and jumps in her arms. I see the pain in her face so I quickly walk over to them. 

"Hey Jax, be careful with mommy for the next few days."

"Micheal, it's okay." She says with a smile.

"Is mommy staying here?"  I look up at Carly.

"Yeah-yeah, I'm staying." She smiles and runs her hand through Jaxson's hair. I smile at her and then Jaxson gets down and runs to the kitchen. I walk to her and wrap my arms around her, pulling her close.

"So it's official, you're staying."

"I guess it is." I pull her into a kiss, but it's cut short when Luke comes around the corner.

"Oh, back for round two?" I lean down and pick up a pillow from the couch. I throw it at Luke and Carly and I laugh.

Stuck With You :||: Sequel to StingWhere stories live. Discover now