Chapter 5

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Marinette POV
Later that day, Mr. Agreaste's assistant Nathalie, dropped off Adrien's car to the house. She handed Adrien the keys and said she must be off.
"Wait!" Adrien shouted to stop her as she walked to the door. "You haven't even seen the place!"
" Your more than welcome to take the grand tour. " I offered.
"Well, alright." She agreed reluctantly. "But it must be quick. I have to get on the 12:00 train to get back to Paris and I only have a few hours to do so."
" Alright then, Welcome to our humble home. " he said as he did a gesturing bow.
"Our humble home...." His words ring in my head. Our? Our home? Me and Adrien's home? Our home, together?
I was shook from my thoughts and realized I was in a case when Adrien, strong hands on my shoulders, asking my name to get my attention.
"Marinette? Marinette are you okay? Marinette?"
"Oh I'm so sorry!" I said " I was lost in thought. "
Adrien sighed a breathe of relief.
"Good because I thought you were like, have breathing issues of something."
It was cute to know he worried about me that much.
"No I'm okay." I replied, reassuring him.
We finished giving Nathalie the tour. When we had showed her the bathroom we were sharing, she didn't seem to like the idea of both of us sharing a bathroom. She then left leaving me and Adrien to prepared dinner of ourselves. We made some simple chicken and potatoes with veggies on the side. We ate, and when we finished, Adrien went to the couch and sat, watching something while I went back to the kitchen. Our first day would be tomorrow and I decided to make some French croissants with the recipe from my dad. When finished with two batches of them, it was already 10:05. I put the croissants in a sealed container and placed them in the refrigerator, then I walked over and stood next to the couch.
"I'm going to bed now, it's already 10:00. And you know how I sleep in. You can go to bed whenever you want, but I suggest going soon so you can get some sleep as well. See you in the morning."
" Goodnight" he said as I walked down the hall. I could, again, feel his eyes on me. Soon, I was fast asleep ready for the day to come tomorrow.

Adrien POV
A few hours after Nathalie left from dropping off my car, me and Marinette went to preparing our dinner. When finished with our delicious chicken potatoes and veggies, I sat on the couch to watch some tv. Marinette seemed to busy herself in the kitchen. I watched her and her skillful movements with the dough she was forming. I watched her for a while. Mesmerized by the swaying of her arms and hips and she rocked and hummed to herself. Soon, she was finished and came to the side of the bed.
"I'm going to bed now, it's already 10:00." She told me. " and you know how I sleep in. You can go to bed whenever you want, but I suggest going soon so you can get some sleep as well. See you in the morning. " She said as a farewell.
"Goodnight." I called out as she walked down the hallway while watching her enter her room and close the door. What was it with Marinette that made my heart beat a little faster? I mean, I've seen pretty girls, plenty. Was it that she wasn't an obsessive fangirl? I think I was developing feelings for Marinette, but I wasn't too sure. I think I'll call Nino and ask him. He knows plenty about girls since he's dating Alya and all. I then, turned off the tv and locked the front door, turned off all the lights, and walked towards my room. I then stopped in front of Marinette's door. Then I heard Alya'a voice. I know it was rude to eavesdrop, but I heard my name plenty of times within the chatter. I quietly put my ear up to the sort and listened.
"Adrien had been so polite. He even makes my breakfast. I love living here in London. I can't wait to start with him tomorrow."
" I can't wait to hear about it. I wonder if living with Adrien might lead to your freshman year feelings for him to return again. "
"Alya, no. I know he's not interested in me. He's I guess just a friend. He hasn't returned my feelings yet. I just don't think he can see it. I haven't been so obsessive anymore. "
"Yeah." Alya said. " Like, no photos of him in your room. Or photos under your mattress. Or presents for him till he's fifty. "
"Alya" Marinette groaned . "I just don't think he likes me and that's fine. I'm good with being just friends."
" Okay gurl. Listen, awesome talk. I'm sure he might soon. I have to go though. Talk later! "
"Okay." Responded Marinette. " Cya"
"Bye!" Alya said as the call seemed to end.
I then continued walking to my room. So many thoughts running through my head at once. Marinette has feelings for me?? Since freshman year? She had photos of me all over her room? And presents for me till I was fifty? Wow. I guess at once she was a fangirl, but not she's not. "I know I will not be sleeping well tonight." I said to myself as I got into bed and tried to sleep the night away.

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