Chapter One

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Bakugou let out a sigh as he rolled over in his soft bed. He was having trouble trying to sleep. His sleep schedule was so messed up due to the stress from high school. Bakugou didn't have many friends, that was clear to tell just by looking at him.

He always sat away from people and never participated in any group activities. Even when he did participate he'd either curse out the other people or do all of the work. Many people didn't like Bakugou because of his colorful vocabulary or how angry he was.

Being pissed off was not Bakugou's intention, he was just raised that way. The blonde didn't mind not having friends though, he was fine with being alone.

Being alone gave him time to focus on his schoolwork instead of being so focused on the drama that went around in high school. High school is full of drama and Bakugou wanted nothing to do with it. Bakugou was more worried about getting through highschool instead of having friends.

With another sigh Bakugou grabs his phone that sat on his bedside table. He pulls his phone off the charger before turning it on, the bright light blinds him for a second. It was a Friday night so Bakugou could care less about staying up late, he only ever worried about getting sleep when it was during the week.

Once Bakugou's phone turns on he goes straight to instagram, his second most used app. Spotify was his first most used app. He scrolls through instagram looking for nothing in particular, messing around on instagram was far better than staring up at a ceiling.

The blonde scrolls through various pictures that his followers had posted earlier in the day. Bakugou was not popular nor was he famous, he had a little over three hundred followers. He didn't post everyday but he did post every other month if he remembered. Not many people liked Bakugou's pictures so he rarely bothered to post.

The pictures that Bakugou usually posted were of his face or random objects that he found interesting. He did however post many pictures of his dog named Riot. Bakugou wasn't into trying to get followers so he rarely ever followed people back, he was a little surprised at how a few dog accounts followed him.

As Bakugou scrolls through his phone without much thought he gets a notification. The notification brightens up his screen, Bakugou shields his eyes a little from the bright sudden light. It was extremely rare for a person to text him, even if Bakugou did get these random texts he normally would just ignore them but this time he gave into his curiosity.

Bakugou clicks on the notification, it was an invite to a group chat. It was a little confusing for Bakugou to be added to a group chat. With a shrug Bakugou clicks on the accept button, he would let himself be pissed off by random people on the internet.



Pinkyou_up: Wait you find him cute Kiri?????

Pinkyou_up: Adorable???

Pinkyou_up: Handsome????

Pinkyou_up: Out of this world????

Skarkdododo: NO I DON'T

Tapeyouup;): Yes he does👄

Tapeyouup;): He is so lying 👄

BUZZ: Oh he really does wow👄

Pinkyou_up: Ima add him just to be a queen

BUZZ: Queen Mina up in da house!!!

Skarkdododo: NOOOOOOO

Tapeyouup;): What a queen :>

-Pinkyou_up added Explodeurlife to group-

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