He sees you get into a fight with someone

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Song: "R U Mine?" by Arctic Monkeys

"Hey, can you just quit it?" This guy started hitting on you, and he wouldn't quit trying to grope you. "Sorry, beautiful..." You tried to walk away but he held firmly onto your wrist. "If you don't want all this attention, you shouldn't dress that way, you little skank." He grabbed onto both of your wrists, yanking you towards him, then he reached for your chest. "AGH!" You yelled loudly. It wasn't even your idea to throw this party. Why did Jesse need to have all these people here?

"Babe?" A drunk girl stumbled towards the guy harassing you. "What are you doing with her?" She shot a deadly glare at you and yelled, "You hoe!! Don't you flirt with my man!" She picked up an empty beer bottle and threw it at you, completely missing and hitting the wall.

The bottle flew in front of your boyfriend, Jesse, and hit the wall next to him as he was walking by. "Yo, what the hell is going on?" He turned to look at you and walked quickly over. "Hey, stay away from my girl, bitch!" He yelled at the guy and girl. "Your girl, huh?" the girl asked. "Well, YOUR girl was flirting with MY man!" 

"That's not true, Jesse. He was grabbing me, and I-I couldn't get away." Jesse looked at you and looked down at your red, bruised wrists. "I know, doll, you'd never cheat on me, but let me deal with these two IDIOTS." "Excuse me?" the girl asked with a mean tone, "why would he hit on YOU? Ugh." 

"Hey, nobody talks to her that way! Get out, bitches, now. Get out of my house. I neva' wanna see ya again! Out!" He ushered them out quickly, practically stepping on their heels. Before the guy left, he slapped your ass. You gasped in disgust, and Jesse punched him in the face. 

Everyone in the party began to look once they saw the violence, but nobody did anything. They just kept drinking and dancing like high zombies desperate for a party to cure their loneliness. They looked away. 

The dude punched him back, but you went up to him and kicked him in the nuts. "Get out, you troll," you said angrily. He slowly walked away as his drunk girlfriend leaned on him. They both stumbled away. 

"Thanks for having my back, baby." You kissed Jesse on the cheek. "Aw man, you're gonna have a black eye now. I'm sorry. Let's ice it."  

"Anything for you, darlin." He kissed the top of your forehead.  

Jesse Pinkman x reader Imagines FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now