Inccorect qoutes

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Harry:Malfoy is up to something! I know it!
Draco winking and bitting his lip at Harry
Harry:Fuck you malfoy!
Draco:I'm trying!

A Ravenclaw girl walks up and starts to flirt with Sirius in the great hall
James:Hey moony are you okay?
Remus gritting his teeth and squeezing his goblet bending it while staring at Sirius and the girl:I am Fine. Prongs.
James kicks Sirius under the table
Sirius glared at James
James gestures to Remus
Sirius to the girl:I'm sorry I would go with you to the shrieking shack but I prefer honeydukes and I'm going to it with my "moon-cake" later
The girl walks away confused
Sirius:So moon-cake about our date to honeydukes
Remus blushing:yes?
The raven claw girl:
Entire great hall:
Mcgonagall cheerful:You owe me five galleons albus
Dumbledore groaning and mumbling:here >:(

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