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A/N: I'm sorry for the huge gap, my loves. I could go ahead and give you an excuse that I had writer's block. But, no, I was simply lazy af. I'm sorry for the delay, guys.

Love y'all _ J 💜



"No, Mr. Janice. We'll be there at your office exactly by 11 am. I don't want anyone else to even get a whiff of this contract. I hope you maintain the confidentiality of this issue", I requested my lawyer over the phone.

"Don't worry, Mr. Styles. This prenup is of high secrecy and not even my own secretary has the information about it. The signing would only take about an hour, so we would be done by noon", he explained as I nodded my head, knowing he couldn't see me.

"Thanks Mr. Janice. Expect us no later than 11. See you then", I spoke before hanging up.

I pulled up the desk phone as I called my assistant.

"Inform Mr. Malik to report to me, immediately", I ordered my assistant,. putting the phone down before hearing her reply.

I had called him up immediately but it's already been thirty minutes now. He's literally getting on my nerves now. He knows that we were going to sign the prenup today and I would have to discuss about him moving in with me. But, he knows how to push my buttons. I looked up at the clock to see it had been forty five minutes now and we hardly had fifteen minutes to be at the lawyer's office.

I asked you to meet me in my office, forty five minutes ago. What the hell are you doing?

I typed furiously and sent it. It wasn't even two seconds when I got his reply confirming that he wanted to annoy me to no end.

I'm not your lap dog. I'll be in the parking lot in five. You meet me there, Styles. Can't agree to everything you say 🙄

I sighed heavily, trying to calm myself and control my anger before I walked out of my office, locking it behind me.

"I'm leaving for a meeting now. Take a note of my calls and don't schedule new appointments before next Wednesday", I informed my assistant who replied in the affirmative.

When I reached to the parking lot, the man of the hour just stood there wearing his black ripped jeans, a green button down and a beanie, looking so simple yet dashing. "He looks so damn gorgeous",my mind declared making me come out of my trance and get back to hating him.

"You should really know who the boss here is. You really think you can do what you wish and get away with it? You should know your fuxking limit, you irritating a*shole. I'm so fed up of tolerating your stupidities. You uncultured jerk", I walked towards him, seething with anger and screaming off my lungs.

Surprisingly, he was silent without even a reply. He didn't seem angry or hurt or anything. He just got into the passenger seat as soon as I unlocked the car without a word. It was so unusual of him.

I looked at him suspiciously and started driving to the lawyer's office. Five minutes into the journey and I couldn't keep it anymore. I was so fuxkin pissed off and I wanted him to talk something. Atleast yell at me or talk back to me. I pulled the car onto a service road which was basically a mud road filled with potholes before parking it. I unclasped my seatbelt before getting out of the car, walking towards his side. I opened the door and pulled him out as well. He didn't even flinch at it. He just stood there emotionless like a statue.

"What the actual fuxk, Zayn? I'm your boss. Remember that? What is wrong with you? You don't listen to anything I say or I expect of you. You're such a disrespectful, arrogant, illiterate jerk of a human being", I shouted at him, fuming with anger. "Talk something, you dumbshxt. Reply me! Are you deaf?", I continued.

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