Chapter 1

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It was a Normal day in Blue Garden, or so it seems. Rebecca is currently watching b-cubers videos. As for Shiki, well..

"HEY! DO YOU WANT TO BE FRIENDS?" Said Shiki to a group of completely total strangers.

Rebecca looks up at the commotion, sighing as Shiki tries his best to make more friends. "He never quits does he?"

"Don't think he has planning on doing that Rebecca" Happy said while currently laying on a flat surface with Pino.

"Where is Weisz and Homura?"

"Mr. Weisz is currently at a club of some sorts, Miss Homura location is unknown."

"Eh, knowing Weisz he's probably out gambling his money for something or is trying to get some bunny girls. As for Homura, I wonder where did she go."

Rebecca thinks for a moment, shrugging it off and continue watching videos, softly singing.

Pino looks over and asks "Miss Rebecca. May I ask what are you singing?"

"O-oh you can hear that? Sorry i just like to sing low or alone. Its a song by this artist I love, she goes by Meghan. Whenever I'm bored I just start singing"

"Aye! Rebecca singing is amazing!" Rebecca blushes at Happy's comment.

"I-I wouldn't say that Happy"

"I think Happy is right Rebecca! You have a lovely and wonderful voice"

Rebecca feels like her face is burning "T-t-Thank you guys, but seriously it not that good. I just like to sing time to time. It ease my mind sometimes"

Just then, Shiki comes up them with a sad face.

"What the matter, Master?" Pino looks up at Shiki.

"I didn't make any new friends"

"I mean, you went up to their faces without asking their names or anything as such. It takes time to make friends"
Rebecca shakes her head.

"It worked with you, didn't it Rebecca?"

"Oh hush you" Rebecca pouts. "What should we do now?"

Shiki stomach growls, "Guess I'm hungry. Time to get some grub!"
Shiki takes Rebecca hand and they run off "H-Hey! I wasn't ready!"

"Don't forget about us!!" Happy and Pino runs after them.

They quickly reach a restaurant, and in due time, they began eating with Shiki eating the most as Rebecca eats her burger and fries, happy with a fish and pino with, well, nothing.

"How does Master eat so much??"

"I stopped questioning that a while back actually"

"Aye, Shiki has a bottomless pit for a stomach"

Shiki, looks at them, muffled "I donot hav a bottummluss pits"

Rebecca bonks his head, "Talk when your mouth isn't full"

Over the T.V above, the news shows an announcement

"A Reminder to all! The singing competition to meet lady Singer Meghan is happe ing in 3 days! Sign up now at the nearest music shop to get a spot! Only 20 spots remaining!"

Hearing this, Rebecca gets up and looks the her friends "I'll be right back!!" She leaves Pino the money and runs ofd to go sign up

"Where is Rebecca headed off to??"
Shiki asked when he finish his plates of food.

"She probably gonna try and sign up for the competition to meet Meghan, the singer" Happy says. "Its one of her dreams to meet her"

"Ohh! Lets go and help her!" He quickly gets up but realize they have to pay, "shoot, Rebecca didn't give me the money"

"Don't worry Master, she gave it to me" Pino holds it up to him and he takes it

"Wonder why she didn't give me it"

"Probably cause you would have given it to your friends, Master. Just like the last time"

Shiki pouts at Pino "heyyy, they promised to be friends if I gave them money"

"Proves her point, Shiki"

Happy and Pino laughs, as they walk off to find Rebecca.

Singing Contest! Shicca FicWhere stories live. Discover now