Chapter 3

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After winning a chance of meeting Meghan, Rebecca and the gang returns to the ship with Rebecca smiling bright while Weisz is mooping around.

"Oi, why is Weisz looking dead?" Sister asks.

"He said he found  the one, but he saw  her with another guy after she left him to drink his own"

"Ah, finally some peace and quiet from him" Hermit says walking by. "Shut it" Weisz grumpily says, "You guys don't know the feeling of it"

Homura and Shiki looks at him and starts asking him sorts of questions. "What does it feel like?" "Does it feel like you are pooping?" "Is it sort of familiar as mother and daughter?!?" Homura asks loudly.

Rebecca shakes her head as Weisz tries to understand the chaos that happened in front of him. "Woah woah calm down! Sheesh, can't a guy moop around in peace for once?"

"Yes please let him be sad, I can finally have some peace and quiet without him asking me to add more modifications for his suit" Hermit says.

"Hey hey, Ima still need you to help add the giant-"

Hermit walks away from him while he says the modifications he wants until he gets grabbed by Homura, "does this feeling the same as daughter and mother relationship?"

Weisz notices the seriousness in her voice and relaxes "So pretty much, its a feeling where you suddenly feel all giddy and happy inside with that person, sure you can feel the same with others but to that one person, its a special feeling like no other."

"So its not like love? Cause I love all my friends but I never felt that sort of feeling" Shiki says.

"Its pretty much is love, except its like you feel love so strong for a certain special person, that you would do anything for them just to keep their smile and happiness alive" Ivry says while secretly looks at Rebecca.

"Yea, it's pretty much like a special feeling you'll have for that one and only person, you may have something similar to others but it'll pretty much be special to that one person"

Shiki nods as Rebecca thinks about the moment she felt when Shiki called her his friend but shrugged it off as Shiki asks. "Oh right! So Rebecca what is your plan for the contest?"

"Huh? Oh right! Hmmm I'm not really sureeeee. How about you guys give me some ideas for the song? No Rock or anything like that please"

"Like a chill beat type?" Weisz says as Rebecca takes it in consideration. "I'll see what I'll come up with!" She walks off as everyone does as well going to their rooms except for Shiki, who thinks about what Weisz said earlier. "Love.."

Hours later, Rebecca is currently on the b-cube site looking at songs and writing songs down in considerations.

Pino walks by her room, she notices how hard Rebecca is concentrating and asks "Miss Rebecca, what are you thinking about?"

"Huh? Oh hey Pino, I'm just trying to see what songs I have in mind to sing at this contest. Currently it's chill beats song and I mean they are nice and all, but I feel they won't be as impactful you know?"

"Ah I understand. Hmmm, may I ask why not do a duet?"

"A duet?"

"Yes, a duet is when 2 people-"

"N-no I know what a duet is! I just, uhm." She thinks for a moment. "A duet does sound really good to do, but I do not know who I would do it with and what song to do"


"I think she might get flustered"


They both think for a moment, "Pretty sure he would like to take the spotlight" Pino nods.


"Well, hmm. Maybe? I'm not sure so far. Besides what song would go with a duet?"

Rebecca looks up Meghan songs, scrolling down. "Nah, No, hmm maybe"

Pino also looks as well but she sees one which catches her eye. "Like I'm Gonna Lose you?" Rebecca looks and sees the song and plays it.

They both listen to it and immediately Rebecca loves it as it fits well with the duet in the middle.

"YES THAT ONE WORKS! THANK YOU PINO!" She hugs Pino "Now gotta find Shiki and hopes he willing to sing with me!"

She puts pino and goes searching for Shiki. Over where Shiki is..

"Hmm..." is all he says looking out the railing.

"Something bothering you Demon King Shiki?" Witch walks up to Shiki, looking over the railing as well.

"Just keep it as Shiki please and it just what Weisz said earlier about love. I dunno it just bugging me. Like I know the love I have for friend, but I just never had that sort of special feeling for 1 specific person"

"Ah. The emotions that humans feel, love. Well what I've learned is that, it something that really is hard to handle but once you get that feeling. It really hard to let go, and it can be someone you least expect to feel the love"

She place a hand on his shoulder, "Love is a wonderful thing to have, it maybe scary but it will be a wonderful feeling to have." She smiled softly as shiki smiles back, "thank you, I really needed that. I'm just curious on who it will be."

"You'll be surprised when it happens"

"Shiki!!!" Shiki and Witch turns around, Shiki heart skips a beat for a moment, causing Shiki to freeze up. "H-huh? Oh hey Rebecca!"  Witch notices the behavior change and smiles in secret.

Rebecca gets up to him, "Can you sing with meee pleasee?" "Huh? Why?" "Its for the contest and I think a duet willl do fine!!!! Please???"

"I'm probably not gonna be good! Why not Weisz or Homura?"

"Homura probably gonna get stage fright and Weisz is Weisz, so I rather have you as my partner! No offense to the rest of them" she looks at Witch with a apologetic look.

"None taken Rebecca"

"So pleaseeee??" She makes a face with puppy eyes

"I- Uh- Okay fine!"

"Yes!! We gotta start now!! We have only 3 days!!!"

She grabs Shiki hand and they both run off, with Shiki smiling happily, holding her hand as Witch watches from afar, smiling. "I wish you luck, Demon King."

Singing Contest! Shicca FicWhere stories live. Discover now