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Zayn and Harrie were both very excited to be parents soon.

They had a feeling that she was pregnant due to them not using any kind of protection in the last month.

It wasn't like they really planned it but they definitely knew the outcome of not using protection.

Harrie may have said she didn't want children right now but after talking to her friends about it she sat Zayn down and told her how she felt about the whole situation.

They both agreed to stop using protection and whatever happens happens.

If she doesn't get pregnant right now that's okay, if she does, that's fine too.

But by two weeks, Harrie realized she missed her period and she had been feeling a bit off they knew.

They didn't need a pregnancy test to know that they were gonna have a baby in nine months.

The next day they went to the doctor and she confirmed that they are in fact future parents.

Ever since the two had been talking and trying to figure out how they're gonna juggle everything.

Zayn stating he still wants to go to school along side Harrie they both agreed they'd hire a baby sitter if they needed to.

The two were super excited they forgot about how they'll tell their parents and siblings.

Considering when they told them about the marriage, they knew this was gonna be very difficult.

"We should just tell them at once." Harrie states.

"Like a family dinner?"

Harrie nods her head.

"Yeah, why not! It's easier and simple. Plus if they get mad they get mad. We're still gonna live our life."

"And we're married. It was gonna happen one day. Why not while we're both still young?"

"Exactly! And then after the baby is born we can get married again. We can have a real wedding with all of our families."

Zayn smiles before kissing her softly on the lips.

"This is perfect!"

Harrie smiles before rubbing her tiny baby bump.

She was four weeks along her pregnancy so she barely showed but if you look closely you can tell their is a little bit of a bump.

"It is. I still can't believe that. And the fact that it's gonna be a Christmas baby is perfect! I'll be in College when they baby is here, finally out of high school."

Zayn kisses her softly.

"I love you and baby so much."

"We love you too."
Harrie being Pregnant is so fucking adorable!!

Are you ready for Zayn and Harrie to tell their family they're having a baby?

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