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Richie laid in bed next to all his friends

They all had a silent agreement they wouldn't leave each others sides that night

You see a few days ago they found that their friend (Stanley uris) committed suicide

And a few hours ago Eddie Kaspbrak was impaled in the chest

Richie looked at the ceiling

He didn't know what to do

He wanted sleep but he couldn't

Every time he closed his eyes he saw the love of his life impaled

He heard the soft snores of Bill Denbrough next to him on the left

And felt Beverly marsh's soft skin hugging his side slightly

He knew they cared

He knew they would keep him safe

But he couldn't sleep

The comedian closed his eyes

And slowly fell asleep

How could he be peaceful at this moment when his two best friends were dead

Richie asked himself that

He couldn't answer

So instead he slipped slowly into sleep

Maybe he'll wake up and all of this would be a dream


Yay chapter 1 is done! Hope y'all like this story it's been on my mind for a while :) anyway that's all I needed to say. Stay safe! -🐢

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