When we all fall alseep where do we go

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Stan woke up in a small what looked to be a rather damaged house

He heard a groan from another corner

"Hello?" Stan said looking around

"Stanley?" The person asked still not showing a face

"Who are you?" Stan asked still paranoid

"It's me Eddie dude calm down" he said getting up into the light

"See It's just me dude" Eddie said

"Oh yeah hey uh...why are we here?" Stan said confused

"I- I don't know. Aren't we supposed to be dead?" Eddie said

"Yeah we are..how are we alive?" Stan said getting up

"I have no idea but let's just except this fact and get the fuck out of here" Eddie said

Stan agreed and they both quickly realized they were in the club house

They both walked around not really saying much

"Eddie how did you die?" Stan finally asked the question that has been bugging him for a while

"I got impaled by one of ITs claws...yeah stabbed right through the chest.." Eddie said shaking his head

"Shit man.."  Stan said

The two men kept walking in silence for a few minutes before Eddie stoped walking

"Stan what are we ganna tell the others when we see them?" Eddie said his anxiety visible

"Easy...we tell them a magic turtle brought us back" Stan said completely serious

"What? Why would they believe that?" Eddie said annoyed

"Well mike and Ben would believe it I mean they did see the history of Derry and IT pretty sure I was the only one who actually paid any attention to them" Stan said crossing his arms

"You know sometimes I'm glad you were very serious as a kid" Eddie said

Stan laughed and they kept walking

Back to their wonderful friends they go


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