You said you'd love me forever

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Richie woke up later then the rest of the losers

Richie as hoping he would wake up and Stan and Eddie would be alive

But they were unfortunately still "dead"

He put on Eddie's hoodie over his black shirt and went to the other losers smiling

"Hey look who's awake how'd you sleep Richie?" Bill asked grinning at his friends messy hair

"Great absolutely peachy" Richie said smiling back at him

"Richie do your parents still live around Derry?" Ben asked Richie

"Uhhh yeah they do, why do you want to fuck my mom haystack?" Richie said with the most shit eating grin

"No man! Because you should ask if they have any pictures of you Stan and Eddie when you were kids maybe it'll make you happier knowing you'll always have them with you." Ben said in his usual calm voice

"That's not a bad idea haystack I'm going to do that now!" Richie said heading towards the door

Beverly gave him a look and he gave it right back to her

He got in his car and drove to his parents house

Richie knocked on the door to his childhood home and he heard his mom yell at his dad to get the door

Wentworth opened the door and Richie had to be honest he never saw his father more happy in his life

"There he is! My famous comedian of a son!" Wentworth said bringing Richie into a hug

"Hey dad long time no see!" Richie said smiling ear to ear

Wentworth had ginger hair glasses, a goofy mustache and always wore really colorful ties

"Hey mom!" Richie smiled at his mother

"Oh my baby's home!" Maggie said exited to see her son again

Maggie had black curly hair and big blue eyes and always wore dresses with flowers on them

"So why are you in Derry Rich we rarely get visits by you?" His mother asked

"Oh uh you remember mike? Yeah he brought all of us back to Derry. and I was here to ask if you had any pictures of me Stan and Eddie when we were kids?" Richie said to his mother hopeful

"Yeah of course I do! Why do you want them? Wait let me guess you guys want to remember each other huh? Yeah I bet they want some extras of these photos to!" Maggie said with a wide grin

"Uh no actually um Eddie and Stan recently passed so I needed something to remember them by.." Richie said tearing up

"Oh I'm so sorry honey are you okay?" Maggie said placing her hand oh her sons shoulder

"Yeah momma I'm fine grief..." Richie said sniffling

Maggie didn't like seeing her son in such grief

I mean who likes seeing Richie tozier the most happiest person ever cry?

Certainly not his mother

"Let's talk about it sweetie go sit on the couch while I look for the pictures okay? Wentworth come on we are supporting our son right now!" Maggie said going up the stairs to look for the photos

"Aye aye captain!" Wentworth said saluting his wife

Wentworth sat down with his son taking his hand

"Hey champ everything will be okay buddy..." he told his son with a smile

Richie nodded and took a deep breath

When Maggie came down she set the pictures on the table and turned to her son

"So baby tell us what happened you can talk to us.." Maggie said in her motherly voice

Richie loved when his mother talked like that. It was soothing and helped him stay calm to talk.

"So a few days ago Stan didn't arrive to meet us so we called his wife and-" Richie cut off with a soft cry

"It's alright bud we're here for you" Went reassured his son

"A-and she told us S-Stan slit his wrists.." Richie sobbed into his hands

"Shh hun it's okay keep going.." Maggie Hugged Richie

"Then..just yesterday Eddie got stabbed..." Richie sobbed even more into his mother's chest

"Oh honey I know it's bad.." Maggie said trying to calm him

"Yeah your alright buddy let it out" Wentworth said joining their hug

Richie felt more comfortable crying in front of his parents then he did anyone else in the world

You see the day that Conner bowers (A/N fucking bastard) called Richie a fag is the same day Richie came out to his parents

They where shocked to know their son was gay but supported him

When Richie stoped crying he lets go his mother and father while he wiped his tears

"Fuck I hate crying..." Richie said rubbing his eyes

"You and me both champ." Wentworth said slapping Richies back

"Well here are the pictures sweetie" Maggie handed Richie three photos

"Thanks momma love you" Richie said kissing his mother cheek

"Love you to baby. Now you get back to your friends!" Maggie said grinning

"Alright bye papa! Love you old man!" Richie said to his father which earned him a look

"Hey ma before I go tell dad to stop wearing those ties remind him it's 2016 not 1983." Richie said half joking


"TELL HIM TO GO FUCK HIMSELF!" Wentworth yelled back

Richie laughed

"Well you heard him" Maggie said with a smile

He laughed and went out the door saying one final goodbye to his parents

When Richie left he didn't go back to the town house right away he instead went to the kissing bridge

He recarved the R+E and stared for a while

Richie smiled and left to the town house

On his car ride back he decided it was time to tell the losers his secret.

His dirty little secret. 

A/N lmaoo a Cliff hanger? in john Lauren's book?? Wow never happened before! -🐢

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