Chapter Three - The Vision

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The original vampire stayed in the arms of her husband for hours, crying tears of purehappiness and tears of sadness. She stepped out of his embrace and reached up to push her brunette hair out of her face. A sudden realisation dawned upon her as she realised she would have to explain herself and her reasons for leaving all of those years ago.

"Bella?" She vaguely heard Edward speak, but she felt like she was underwater. She was overwhelmed, and terrified.

"Bella?" She heard someone else in the room speak, Bella thought it was Emmett but she couldn't be sure.

"Edward, you have to do something. She's sinking, fast." Jasper spoke quickly, moving to Bella's side and putting his hand on her shoulder, hoping his gift would have more of an effect if there was contact.

"I... can't..." Bella gasped out, sinking down into the couch.

"Everyone back up, give her some space." Carlisle ordered. Everyone except Jasper took a few steps back, hoping it would calm Bella. Jasper stayed at her side, his hand remaining on her shoulder, desperately hoping to calm her down.

"Come on, Bella." Jasper plead as her anxiety bled into him.

Eventually, she calmed and started to relax, although Jasper's calming influence was the reason for her calmness. Edward looked to Carlisle who nodded before he took a step forward.

"Love?" He took a step forward as Bella started talking long breaths, trying to remain calm on her own.

"I'm okay; just give me a sec I'll be alright in a minute." She murmured, taking another deep breath.

The large family gave her a moment to calm and being herself back.

Bella opened her eyes slowly, looking around the room.

"Renesmee. Where is she?" Bella worried, hoping that her daughter hadn't seen her reaction.

"Rosalie took her outside to play. We weren't sure what was going to happen." She nodded shakily and looked towards the door that lead to the back porch. She smiled when she saw her daughter laughing loudly as Rosalie pushed her on the rope-swing hanging from the tree outside.

"What happened, Bella?" Alice asked as she took a step closer.

"I'm going to have to tell them the truth. Things I've never told anyone. They're going to want to know why I ran." She admitted, running her hand through her hair anxiously.

"Oh, Bella. I'm sure they'll understand, they're your family." Esme spoke reassuringly and Bella smiled up at her.

Bella shook her head.

"They won't understand. They can't know why I ran from them. We were supposed to be a family and I abandoned them. What are they going to think of me? What will they think of their sister when I admit that I ran out of fear." Bella cried into her hands.

"There's nothing wrong with being scared, Bella." Jasper moved and Alice sat down beside Bella and took her hand.

"I wasn't scared Alice, I was a damn coward. I ran from my brothers and my sister because I was too much of a coward to feed and complete the transition into a vampire. And then I was too much of a coward to find them once I had completed my transition. They'll hate me Alice. Even Elijah, and he is the most gallant person I've ever known."

"So, what's our next move?" Emmett spoke up and Bella raised her head to look up at him.

"I need a witch. There is one that lives a few miles outside of Portland that owes me a favour."

The whole Cullen clan looked at her, shocked.

"Why do you need a witch?" Jasper furrowed his eyebrows.

"I need a cloaking spell, or something. They can't know I'm here." Bella explained. The Cullen's remained shocked.

"Bells, your efforts would be futile, the vision has already played out. They already have a location on you." Alice explained to her sister-in-law quietly, not wanting her to panic again.

"Then I have to go. I have spent the last one thousand years running because I couldn't face them, and I still can't face them." Bella stood, pulling her hands out of Alice's and Edward's.

"Bella, maybe it's time. You can't run from this anymore. Like you said, it's been one thousand years, maybe it's time to stop running from this and face it." Alice called as Bella walked away.

"Alice..." Carlisle warned quietly, if they weren't careful Bella would start to panic again. Alice turned to face her father figure.

"I'm sorry, Carlisle, but Bella needs to hear this. I'm her sister, and I've watched this eat away at her for years." She turned around to address Bella.

"Bella, from what you've told me about you Mikaelsons, you don't run from things, you face them." Bella stopped and looked around at Alice. Sighing heavily in defeat, she spoke almost silently.

"Well, she's not wrong." Alice grinned triumphantly and skipped to Bella's side.

"So back to my original question, what's our next move?" Emmett asked, his arms across his chest.

"Now we wait for my family to arrive." Bella muttered, her eyes locking with Alice's for some reassurance.

Alice's eyes glazed over for a moment, and when she came back to the present, she was grinning widely.

Bella smiled slightly, hoping that the visions would work out exactly the way Alice had seen, and Bella's brothers and sister would forgive her.

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