Chapter 3

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With everyone piled in the jeep, the girls squished in the back with Stiles and Scott sitting up front, they follow Braeden to la iglesia.

Tension rises from the silence being contained in the vehicle.

The unpleasant quietness is finally broken from Malia as she leans foward towards the boys.

"Okay, I'll ask. Who's Kate Argent?"

"Uh, I'd like to know too." Kira speaks as she adjusts her position to get more comfortable.

Zoey has no expression on her face as everyone takes a glance at her when she opens her mouth.

"She's a complete bitch."

Stiles stutters a little before he wonders about Kate also.  "Well... we were at her funeral. So, I'd like to know how she got out of a casket that was buried six feet underground."

"She was never in it." Scott replies to him.

"She was Allison's aunt." Lydia hesitates to answer Malia's previous question. "And a total sociopath."

"Yeah, tell me about it." Zoey puts in her comment, not even fazed by hearing Allison's name unlike the others.

Sadness rises in the jeep, her death still fresh in their minds.

Kira gives Scott a chance to back out about talking about it.

"You don't have to talk about it now if you don't want to."

"Um, yes, he does." Malia doesn't even let him answer.

"Yeah, she's right." Scott speaks up. "You guys should know. You need to know."

"Well then I'll start from the end." Zoey leans forward in her seat as she smirks at her ex pack. "Back to the bitch comment being true considering she was my cell mate for a couple of days with the Calaveras being our captives."

Lydia's palms hit the back of Stiles' seat as she sits up straighter. "So the whole time Stiles and them were with you, you couldn't have let them know about that little detail." She finally gets the courage to speak to Zoey directly since she found out she was alive.

"Maybe because no one asked and they were too worried about trying to figure out a way to escape."

"So then why are you telling us this now?" Scott turns around in the passenger seat to look at his sister.

The chains around her wrists rattle as she lifts her arms up, "Maybe because I'm hoping these will be taken off soon."

The group truly wanted more answers from her but no one wanted to ask questions if that meant taking the cuffs off. She may be a daughter, sister, girlfriend and friend as of the past they would have trusted her. In the present though none of them knows if that trust is still there.

"All right." Stiles is the first one to speak up after a few moments pass by. "Kate was the one who set the fire that killed most of Derek's family."

"Some of them survived," Scott continued to explain. "Like Cora and Peter."

"Including me." Zoey buds in to remind them that she was also in that house when it was set aflame.

Lydia puts in her two cents, ignoring Zoey's comment. "A very angry Peter."

"Yeah, he's the one who bit and turned me." Scott added in.

"And the one who finally caught up to Kate and killed her."

"And we saw her buried."

"No." Scott quickly turns down Stiles' comment. "We saw a casket, remember? She wasn't in it. The Calaveras heard that Kate had been killed by an Alpha's claws. They wanted to make sure she was really dead. Her body was healing. More and more, as she got closer to a full moon. She was coming back. So they switched out the bodies. They took her. If a hunter is bit, they have to take their own life before they change. The Calaveras, they treat the code like law. They make it their responsibility to enforce it."

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