CHAPTER 1: Returning Home

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Deku's POV:

After being away from my quiet forest village for three years of education.  I decided at graduation to go back as a doctor.   Upon walking through the forest.  I heard rustling of the fallen leaves. The air was fresh and crisp. Unlike the city air I had gotten use to. As the wind blew by. A low growl starts getting closer from behind me. As i turned around. I was thrown to the forest floor. Sharp teeth are shining in the full moon light. Chains rattled as i went to move.

^chains? Wait a sec. Is this?^

"Kacchan it's nice to see you again. "

He hides his fangs and gets off me.

"Deku?! You're back."

"Of course I'm back. I promised everyone  I'd be a doctor and come back here."

"Tch damn just when I thought I was free from your ugly face for good. You show up again. "

I stand up and pat the dirt off my clothes.

"Good to see you too Kacchan. "

As i start walking away.  Kacchan yells at me.

"Oi nerd! Be careful  heading back. We've had some people go missing recently!"

"I will! Thanks for the warning!"

Kacchan runs away with a slight blush on his cheeks.

^I see he hasn't changed.  Still doesn't know how to talk about his feelings. ^

"Heheh. Now to head home."

The forest got thicker and more ominous the deeper i got. Right as i saw the bridge that goes over the river just outside of the village.  I was attacked.  At the same time my mouth was covered by a cold hand. Something sharp digs deep into my neck. Within seconds everything starts to get fuzzy as my head feels swimy.  Then darkness engulfs me. My last thought before blacking out was.

^I'm such an idiot.  I didn't listen to kacchan.  Now.... I'm ....... gonna.-^

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