CHAPTER 4: Two Sides

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Shoto's POV :

As midoriya floats away.  I feel my cravings start to come on.  So I went back to his body and drank what little bit of blood was left. Unfortunately it wasn't enough to keep my other side in check. The vampire nature takes me over.


Mhm werewolf? So that's why he smelt better then he tasted. That guy must be close to him. Otherwise the wolf would've  gobbled him up. I'll retrace his scent and find my next meal. Heheheh!"

^No don't, midoriya is a nice guy. Please i beg you. ^

With a smirk on my face. I rush to the forest and find the wolf before midoriya gets to him. As i go to attack. He turns around and straddles me against a tree.

"Who are you and why do you smell like deku?"

His eyes show murderous intention. So i make complete eye contact to glamer him.

"Come with me. I'll take you to him."

I tried to overpower my nature but to no avail. By the time we got back to the castle. The wolf broke the spell.

"He's here and he's hurt."

The wolf runs towards the basement where midoriya's body laid.

"Deku! Huh! You damn basterd. What did you do to him?"

"I was hungry but he wasn't enough to satisfy my hunger for long, but you'll do nicely. "


He lunges at me with his claws. In a single moment. I looked around and spotted some chains hanging from the wall. Right as the wolf was about to reach me. I darted over, grabbed the chains, placed them on his wrists, and pushed him to the wall to hook them back. Trapping the wolf in the room.

"Growl snarl howwwwl!"

I grabbed his collar and pulled it up over his mouth. Tightening it there.

"Oh shut up. The only thing dangerous about you is your bark. Well it use to be anyway.  Now let me have a taste."

The wolf goes to kick me. So i locked his leg between my thighs while my knee bends to block his other leg from moving. I sink my fangs deep into his neck. When the first drop hits the tongue.  A sexual sensation  goes through my body. My thighs grind against his leg and tighten. His growling turns to a muffled scream of pain. I stopped feeding when I felt his leg was about to break. So I chained his legs to prevent him from fighting back.

"I'll try to make you last longer then my other meals. So I'll be back tomorrow night for more."

He glares at me while biting the collar.

"Stay put and be a good boy."

Right as i got up the stairs and shut the door. Midoriya floats down to me. Do to his friend's blood. I couldn't regain control.

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